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Chicago, IL 📍11:17AM

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Chicago, IL 📍

Justice stood in the doorway as she cleared her throat before fully walking in the room. Not a bit of sadness or regret ran through her body as she stood at the end of Bleu's hospital bed. He was bruised up really bad, according to his records a few of his teeth were missing and he had a rib contusion, which were just bruised ribs. He deserved it.

1 Week Prior

"I'm not understanding why yall cant just send me a quick text or give me a call whenever yall get to the city". Justice ran her fingers through her fresh curls while she sat in her car on her break. She spent most of the hour sitting in her car talking with Zoey.

A knock on her window made her stop mid-sentence. Justice rolled down the window and rolled her eyes "Yes Bleu?"

"Did you eat today?" He smiled and leaned on her car.

"No and I'm not hungry" Justice turned the volume down on her phone so Zoey's loud voice couldn't be heard as she was saying all types of curse words about Bleu. Justice had previously told her sister about how weird he was.

Bleu unexpectedly reached in to her car and grabbed her chin making her look at him. "You too pretty for all of that attitude Justice you need to loosen up"

Justice forcefully pushed his hand away. "Don't touch me! I told you that before I'm not going to tell you again."

He didn't do anything but just laugh and walk away from her car. Slipping his wedding band off of his hand and putting it in his white coat pocket.

"Uhn uhn he touched you Justice?!" Zoey yelled from the other side of the line. She could now hear her dad's voice in the background.

"Yes grabbing my face and shit I don't play like that. I need to find a new job asap" Justice sighed and rolled her window back up and texted Durk about what just happened. "Let me call you back Zoey" she looked at the incoming call from Durk and accepted it.

"Yo you good? Where you at?"

"I'm in the parking lot im about to go back in the office. You don't have to come" She started but he cut her off.

"Fuck you mean don't come? You just said he touched you right?" He had a incensed tone.

"Just come when I get off Derrick just incase he try something again. Let me finish my shift I don't want you fighting with him in front of the patients or at all" There was a silence on the line for a while.

"I'll be there in thirty minutes Ima wait there until you get off" He said.

"Derric-" She pulled her phone away from her ear when he hung up. Justice groaned and got out of her car so she could walk back in the medical office. Chris was there at the desk discreetly texting on his phone.

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