Chapter 1: A New Business Venture

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David waited in the empty mess hall, hoping Gwen would be here on time. Unlike him, she wasn't a light sleeper, it would take a miracle for someone to wake her up earlier than usual. He heard the mess hall door open and turned around swiftly. "Gooooooooooooooooood morning, Gwe- Mr. Campbell?!" David gasped, his eyes beaming with delight. "Well hello there, Davey!" Cameron greeted. "What brings you here?" David asked. "Two words: New Business Venture." Cameron said. "Uh... Do you mean thre-" David was cut off. "Say where's your co-worker? What's her name? ....Girl Davey?" Cameron looked around the mess hall, confused at the absence of the ever so jaded counselor. "Fucks sake I'm right here." The two men saw Gwen standing in the doorway, looking like she had just woken up. 

"Gooooooooooooooooooooooood morning, Gwen!" David greeted. "Mr. Campbell is here to talk about a new business venture that could really benefit the camp!" He explained. "Whoop-de fuckin-do. What's gonna cause this place to foreclose THIS time?" Gwen said, sitting at one of the tables. Cameron then brought over a whiteboard from the storage closet and began to write on it, David and Gwen looked at each other in silence. "You know how our rival camps promote their annual cookie sales?" Cameron said, the two counselors nodding in agreement. "Well, allow me to introduce you tooooo...." Cameron finished writing on the whiteboard and show it to David and Gwen. "Campbell's Candy Bar Sales! ....Trademark pending." Cameron announced, pointing the marker at the whiteboard. "So... We'll just be copying the Flower Scouts... But with candy bars?" Gwen asked. "Well, I for one think it's a GREAT idea." David added. "Good." Cameron said. "Because I ordered 100 boxes of candy bars and I want them all gone by the end of the month." He then exited the mess hall leaving David feeling excited while Gwen was confused. 

"...Did he just say 100?" Gwen asked. 

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