Chapter 7: Well Deserved Pep-Talks

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Gwen drove David's car, along with 5 half awake campers to start selling candy bars that morning. "How come David isn't taking us today?" Max asked. "Because he's uhhhh..." Gwen tried to come up with an excuse, she wasn't sure if Nikki wanted Max to know about last night, so she tried thinking of something on the spot. "He wanted to stay back at camp and watch the rest of the kids." Even though she didn't want to admit it, especially in front of a bunch of kids, she was still pretty pissed at David for letting something he was against go on for so long. Nerris had a small understanding of the events, but she was mostly in charge of restocking the booth and didn't really notice that much. She only knew bits and pieces like the infamous chocolate around the mouth incident and some others. "Is this because of Nikki being too sensitive?" Preston asked, raising his hand. Gwen wanted to snap back, but she simply nodded. "And for the record, she was NOT being 'too sensitive,' Preston." The counselor corrected from the mirror. 

Back at Camp, David seemed to be managing the 5 other campers well. He didn't have much motivation to focus on a specific activity that day due to reflecting on what Gwen had told him late last night, so he gave them a free day in reward for good behavior. The remaining campers were busy playing with a slip n slide and a few beach balls while David watch from the front porch of the Counselors' Cabin. "Just look at those kids," he thought to himself. "So happy and carefree..." The counselor rested his head in his hands. "...If only I had protected Nikki like I should've..." He didn't really pay attention to the fact that one of the 5 kids was missing until he hard a familiar voice. "Hey, David!" A muffled voice said, David perked up and looked only to see Space Kid sitting next to him. "Space Kid? Aren't you supposed to be with the other campers?" David asked. "Nurf tried to drown me with a water gun, so I ran off." Space Kid replied. "Why am I not surprised..." David chuckled to himself. "So why are you jus sitting here? Don't you usually try to engage with the rest of us?" Space Kid asked. "I'm not exactly sure I should be resting my woes in the hands of a camper." David replied. "...What are woes?" Space Kid asked. David, knowing Space Kid wasn't understanding, decided to just shrug it off and tell him anyways.

"Thanks for getting the water bottles on our way over, Gwen!" Nerris said, chugging down her drink. "And thanks for the snacks too!" Max added, holding a bag of cheese puffs. "Don't mention it, kids." Gwen replied with a smile. "...You wanna eat a little something before we set up, Nikki?" Nikki was a bit hesitant at first, but she was reminded that Gwen was gonna be there to shield her from any torture the Flower Scouts had in store for her that day. "Neil? Could you pass me the chocolate animal crackers?" Nikki kindly asked, reaching her hand out. "Sure, as long as you don't bite their heads off first." Neil replied, passing Nikki the bag. "Can't guarantee that." Nikki shrugged as she opened the bag up. By that time, Gwen had parked by the booth and told the kids she'd set up while they had their snacks, likely because she knew the Flower Scouts would try to go after Nikki if they saw her eating animal crackers. Either way, Nikki was cautious and ducked low so she wouldn't be seen. "Look, Nikki. You can't let those bitches get to you." Max said with a mouth full of cheese puffs. "It's kinda hard not too." Nikki replied. "There's only one kid who picks on you, and it's me." Max licked the orange cheese dust off his fingers and set the half empty bag aside. "Yeah, but at least you don't actually mean it when you pick on me, Max." Nikki said. "If you want, I could cast a spell to shield you from the mean comments!" Nerris suggested. "Thanks, Nerris. But I think Gwen already has that covered." Nikki smiled. 

"So basically you ignored Nikki while she was being picked on by the Flower Scouts?" Space Kid said, trying to understand what David just told him. "Well, I wouldn't say IGNORED! More like..." David stopped himself, sweeping his mistakes under the rug wasn't gonna make him feel any better, so ultimately he just nodded. "I truly feel awful about it, and I wanna make it up to Nikki... And Gwen too" David lamented. Space Kids wasn't exactly the brightest of the 10 campers, but he could sense how genuine David was with his words. "I'm sure they'll forgive you David." Space Kid said. "Just like how I forgive Nurf when he's done torturing me." David looked surprised. "Well, I know Nikki is usually quick to forgive, but Gwen is a bit harder to deal with.." He said, putting a hand around his neck. "Point is, David. People make mistakes! That's what Max told me." The child explained. "Yeah, but I ignored a child when they were being relentlessly bullied right before my eyes!" David said. "And? Like you said Nikki is quick to forgive." Space Kid shrugged. While he didn't expect to hear it from a child, David needed to hear that. He felt a bit better knowing what Space Kid had told him. "...But seriously, Space Kid. What did Max tell you about hoe people make mistakes?" He questioned. 

"Apparently his parents told him that before he was sent to camp!" Space Kid said, not knowing the context behind Max's phrasing. Which had a much deeper meaning. "I think he said one of the mistakes was him..." Space Kid added. "At least that's what he claimed he was 'told' by his pare-" The child was cut off "Ooooook that's enough!" David said. 

The campers had finally gotten out of their car, water bottles in hand as Nerris helped Gwen finish setting up the candy bars. "Campbell's Candies is open for business!" Preston proudly announced. "Yeah. For the last time." A voice said from behind them. The group were quick to turn around when in walked, you guessed it, The Flower Scouts.

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