Chapter 8: Stand Your Ground

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Nikki began to cower away when she saw the rival troop giving everyone the dreaded "death glare." Max and the other campers were unphased while Nikki hid behind Gwen. "You little shits start selling those candy bars, got it?" Gwen said looking at the campers. Everyone nodded and sat at their booth. "Well, prepare to lose." Sasha said, flipping her hair. "Yeah we'll see about that." Gwen muttered under her breath, she suddenly noticed Nikki was missing. It was obvious she was trying to hide from the Flower Scouts. "God, don't tell me she ran off!" Gwen whispered, Max picked up on what she said and pointed to the table. Gwen got down on he knees and saw Nikki hiding under the table. "Come on, Nikki. It is way to early for me to be dragging kids from small spaces." She said, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Y-You guys just continue selling the bars, I'll be fine." Nikki stuttered, inching herself further away from Gwen. Both of them could practically feel the gaze of their rivals staring them down. 

Back at the mess hall, David sat a few tables away from the other children so he could arrange a  surprise pizza party for when his co worker returned with the remaining campers after a hard day's work. His talk with Space Kid helped in a way, even if it ended with Space Kid telling him some pretty disturbing things Max had confessed to the other campers. The counselor picked up a spare flip-phone from the Quartermaster store that was surprisingly still fully functional. Before he could dial a number, he got from his table and approached the kids. "Hey there, campers!" David greeted, the remaining kids turned their heads to face him. "I'm arranging a little something for later, so allow me to ask. What's your favorite pizza topping?" He asked, failing to keep the whole pizza party thing a surprise. "That's a no brainer, pepperoni." Nurf said nonchalantly. "Yeah, pepperoni is a classic topping." Ered added. "I like Hawaiian pizza!" Space Kid announced with beaming eyes. "Uhhh...What's 'Hawaiian' pizza?" Asked Nurf. "You've really never heard of pineapples on pizza before?" Space Kid Replied, cuasing the room to fall into an uncomfortable silence, with David still smiling. "What. The fuck. Is WRONG with you, Space Kid?!" Nurf exclaimed "Yeah! Pineapples don't go on pizza!" Dolf added. "Wouldn't that make the crust all soggy?" Ered questioned. "Actually, it doesn't!" Space Kid nervously responded. "My point still stands." Dolf crossed his arms. "Fruit should NEVER touch a pizza!" David decided now would be the best time to step away so he could order the pizzas. 

The Flower Scouts watched from their table as Gwen tried to get Nikki to come out of hiding. "I've gotta hand it to you, Tabii. The process of elimination ALMOST worked." Sasha said, holding binoculars to get a closer look. "...But wasn't the objective to get those Campbell kids off our back?" Erin questioned. Tabii quickly blushed, once again letting her undying love for Neil get the better of her. "Actually...." Tabii mused. The two other scouts stared at her, "I was only trying to eliminate Nikki." She finally confessed. "Tabbi what the fuck!" Sasha hissed before facepalming. "Not my fault she was hitting on Neil, so I had to stop it!" Tabbi shrugged. Obviously, this didn't help Sasha and Erin from feeling even more pissed off. "Well that's what my sister told me to do!" But the other two scouts weren't having it. Gwen looked over and saw the three scouts were caught up in scolding Tabii, so she turned back to a frightened Nikki "Nikki. The Flower Scouts aren't paying attention to us. You can come out now." Gwen whispered, stepping back so Nikki could get out from under the table. "They're not staring at us?" Nikki asked. "Nope. They're busy shitting on...Tabbi I think?" Gwen said. "WITH 2 I'S!" Tabbi shouted from afar. "Got it!" Gwen said, giving a thumbs up. 

The rest of the afternoon went smoothly, not only did the Flower Scouts pay no mind to Nikki or the rest of their rival troop, but Camp Campbell managed to sell 3 whole boxes of candy bars in one day while the Flower Scouts only sold a small handful of their usual profit. "Ugh. Worst. Sale. EVER!" Sasha said, tossing a box of cookies behind her back. "Yeah, and Tabii isn't helping either." Erin sighed, she looked down and saw Tabii reaching her hand into a now empty box of thin mints, revealing where the rest of the cookie sales had gone. "...Sorry. I binge eat when I'm upset." Tabii said, casting the empty box aside. 

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