Chapter 3: Enter The Flower Scouts

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"Is there any fucking air conditioning in this car, David?" Max asked. David was behind the wheel of an old station wagon that Campbell had gifted him last Christmas. ...And for good reason too (in Campbell's eyes). The car looked like it had seen better days, almost nothing worked other than basic functionality. "First off, language. And secondly... The AC is broken." David said, causing his group to groan in annoyance. "Could you at least roll down the window, David?" Neil questioned. "That's broken too." David replied. "Well, maybe you hadn't thought about this, but the hot air could affect the PRODUCT WE'RE TRYING TO SELL!!!" Neil exclaimed, almost causing David to go off the road. "Why do you think I put the candy bars in those coolers in the trunk?" David replied, trying to make himself sound cool, but got little to no fanfare. "I think the issue with the windows could be a problem for me, David..." Nerris whined, her arms wrapped around her torso. "...I get car sick easily..." The warning caused Neil to back himself against the side door he was sitting next to. 

Meanwhile, Gwen was driving in the station wagon that David gave her after getting Cameron's last Christmas. Unlike his car, the air conditioning DID work AND you could roll down the windows. ...The only thing that didn't work was trying to get a radio station tuned in properly. "Now look, kids. This isn't a competition of 'which team sells the most candy bars,' because I don't think we'll sell any." Gwen explained before pausing. "Just... Try to enjoy yourselves." She sighed. "But what if some of the other scout troops are gonna be in town?" Asked Dolf. "then yeah. It's officially a competition! But ONLY for our team!" Gwen replied. "Why just our team?" Added Space Kid. "...Because David doesn't like the idea of having a competitive edge." Gwen said, her voice going back to the normal monotone. "...Is it just me, or is that smoke coming from up front?" Nurf pointed out. "I swear to God, Nurf. If this is another one of your petty toilet jokes, I'll-" Harrison said before he noticed smoke coming from the hood of the car. Gwen uttered some vulgarities under her breath, hoping what she saw wasn't actually happening. ...But it was. So she reluctantly pulled over to the side of the road. "Alright, everybody out!" She commanded, allowing the kids to get out of the car. "...Does this mean we get to eat the candy bars?" Space Kid asked, Gwen simply slammed her head on the steering wheel, hitting the car horn unintentionally. 

David and his group had already reached the town at this point and was busy setting up a card table for the kids to sell their candy bars. Nikki and Preston seemed to be excited about selling, while Max and Neil could care less, and Nerris seemed to be too pre occupied in her LARPing to care. "I'm going to run to the general store to grab some water bottles for the rest of us. You guys think you could be by yourselves for a few minutes?" David explained. Max looked at Neil while a small grin formed on his face. "You, the 'responsible adult' are gonna leave a bunch of 10 year olds by themselves?" Max schemed. "It will only be for a couple minutes, Max. I'll be back before you know it." David grinned before ruffling Max's hair and walking away from the group. "Come on, guys. Let's make some money." Nikki declared, approaching the cooler. "Yeah, if the candy bars haven't melted." Neil scoffed. The kids reached into the cooler to pull out the candy bars, but they paused when they heard a familiar voice from behind them. 

"What are YOU losers doing here?" a shrill voice said. Max turned around and spotted Sasha and her little "unit" that he knew as "The Flower Scouts." The boy shuddered as the sound of her voice. "Well what an unpleasant surprise, gang. ...You're looking about the same as I last saw you, Sasha." Max shrugged, glaring at the three girls. "OhmyGod, really?! I knew I forgot to put on my moisturizer this morning!" Sasha panicked before running off. "Sasha! Wait!" Erin called out, running after her friend. Tabii could care less. The only thing that was on her mind was the fact that her precious Neil was there. And she would use this to her advantage. The petite scout licked her lips and approached the skinny camper. "So Neil..." She mused. "What brings YOU out here?" Neil was obviously uncomfortable by this pickup line. So he decided to be honest, in hopes that would scare her off. "Same reason as you, Tabii-" He said before getting cut off. "With TWO iis" The scout corrected. "...We're selling candy bars." Neil said before picking up his share of the product and placing it on the card table David had set up for them. Max noticed Erin and Sasha walking back to THEIR table which just so happened to be conveniently set up next to the one he was operating with his group. 

"You can't let that little shit get to you like that, Sasha!" Erin said, trying to give her friend a pep talk. "I know, Erin. I've got the brains AND the beauty to prove it." Sasha retorted, trying to boost her ego. "So how's about we try to put one of THOSE twerps down so we can boost not just our self esteem, but our SALES!" She schemed, Erin giving a look of worry on her face. "I don't think we can intimidate Max that much. He doesn't really feel anything except hate." Erin said. "Oh I know." Sasha replied. "We'll target one of his teammates. And what better one to choose than the odd one out..." She mused, glaring at Max's table. It was clear she had several tricks up her sleeve to drive David's troop away. "TABII STOP TRYING TO FLIRT WITH OUR COMPETITION!!!" She shouted, startling the opposing sellers. Tabii returned to her inner circle and Sasha explained her plan. 

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