Episode Four - Dodgebrawl

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Episode 4 - Dodgebrawl

•Killer Bass - Axel, Chase, Cody, Courtney, Emma, Izzy, Jasmine, LeShawna, Nichelle, Noah, Priya, Rodney, Sammy, Scarlett, Scott, and Zee

•Screaming Gophers - Amy, Blaineley, Bridgette, Dakota, Damien, Dave, DJ, Ella, Ezekiel, Geoff, Harold, Jo, Julia, Max, Sierra, Topher, and Tyler

•Ferocious Trout - Alejandro, Beardo, Bowie, Brick, Caleb, Dawn, Eva, Katie, Lindsay, Millie, Ripper, Sadie, Sam, Scary Girl, Sky, and Trent

•Deadly Frogs - Anne-Maria, B, Beth, Cameron, Duncan, Gwen, Heather, Lightning, Mike, MK, Owen, Raj, Shawn, Staci, Wayne, and Zoey


"Last time on Total Drama Island!" Chris began the recap of last episode, standing on the beach in front of a large glass dodgeball court with empty bleachers inside before clips of the last episode began playing. "I woke up the campers suuuuuper early, had them run around the island, and gave them a sleep-inducing feast, all to put them through the brutal Awake-a-thon!"

"Heather started making some early moves, as did a few of the teens on the Trout, getting Trent caught up in a whole bunch of crossfires. Despite Damien's attempt to help remedy the problem, Ezekiel sank even further into his bad comments, which tanked his reputation even further! Raj and Duncan buddied up, and Zee just chilled, completely unaware of the challenge!"

"In the end, Shawn and Scary Girl failed failed to stick it out for their teams, sending the Trout and Frogs to the elimination ceremonies, where Sugar and Justin got the boot after their sneaky plans were exposed! Or did they? Heh, Alejandro and Heather sure know how to pull the strings on their teams, I'll say that much!"

"Who will come out on top today? And who will sneak their way onto the Dock of Shame tonight? Stay tuned to find out right here on Total! Drama! Island!"


(Fade to opening theme)

Dear Mom and Dad I'm doin' fine,

You guys are on my mind.

You asked me what I wanted to be

And now I think the answer is plain to see,

I wanna be famous.

I wanna live close to the sun,

Go pack your bags, 'cause I've already won,

Everything to prove, nothing in my way

I'll get there one day.

'Cause, I wanna be famous!

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na!

I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous

I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous

(Fade to episode)


The episode opened up with the sun already well into the sky, panning down to the four cabins, showing it was around midday.


In the Deadly Frogs' cabin on the boys' side, Shawn was the last to wake up. He sat up, rubbing his head, before immediately freaking out upon realising where he was. "GAH!? Who got me!? I-I've been taken! The zombies are coming, aren't they!? Is this our bunker?" He put his hands on his head, shaking violently in terror.

A quick flick on the forehead from Duncan got his attention, the punk approaching, flanked by Wayne and Raj. "Relax, man, we just found you sleeping on the ground after the ceremony, so the hockey jocks brought you here to get some actual sleep."

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