Episode Five - Not Quite Famous

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Episode 5 - Not Quite Famous

•Killer Bass - Axel, Chase, Cody, Courtney, Emma, Izzy, Jasmine, LeShawna, Nichelle, Noah, Priya, Rodney, Sammy, Scarlett, Scott, and Zee

•Screaming Gophers - Amy, Blaineley, Bridgette, Dakota, Damien, Dave, DJ, Ella, Ezekiel, Geoff, Harold, Jo, Julia, Max, Sierra, Topher, and Tyler

•Ferocious Trout - Alejandro, Beardo, Bowie, Brick, Caleb, Dawn, Eva, Lindsay, Millie, Ripper, Sadie, Sam, Scary Girl, Sky, and Trent

•Deadly Frogs - B, Beth, Cameron, Duncan, Gwen, Heather, Lightning, Mike, MK, Owen, Raj, Shawn, Staci, Wayne, and Zoey


"Last time on Total Drama Island!" Chris began the recap of last episode, standing on a stage with red curtains behind him, twirling a baton in one hand aimlessly before clips from the previous episode began to play. "Dodgeball was the name of the game, and we got to see some step up for their team while others just took balls to the face and called it there!"

"Lightning continued to assert that he was the boss and completely frontloaded his teams, as did Jo for the Screaming Gophers! Factions formed on the Bass as Scarlett laid out a backloading plan that Chase and Axel were mixed on. Ultimately, it paid off; after losing their first match, the Bass tore through the rest of the competition!"

"Ezekiel helped clutch out a win for the Gophers, but his poor social game continued to leave him with no applause! That just left the Trout and Frogs to go to elimination after losing two rounds each. Alejandro threw Katie under the bus for trying to help the team win due to her dodgeball experience, breaking up the BFFFL pair so soon! For the Frogs, Heather won the power struggle between her and Anne-Maria, sending the Jersey girl home before she could even make a move. Will the teams split further? Who will rise to the occasion? And who will bite the dust tonight? Find out right here, on Total! Drama! Island!"


(Fade to opening theme)

Dear Mom and Dad I'm doin' fine,

You guys are on my mind.

You asked me what I wanted to be

And now I think the answer is plain to see,

I wanna be famous.

I wanna live close to the sun,

Go pack your bags, 'cause I've already won,

Everything to prove, nothing in my way

I'll get there one day.

'Cause, I wanna be famous!

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na!

I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous

I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous

(Fade to episode)


The episode opened up on the morning, zooming in on the girls' side of the Ferocious Trout cabin. The girls inside were going through their morning routines.

That is, except for Sadie, who was relentlessly crying on her bunk. "K-Katie..." She whimpered, hugging a pillow tightly.

Eva, who was doing push-ups on the floor nearby, stopped and groaned. "I'm going to work out somewhere else. I'm not dealing with her." She stood up with a cold expression, marching out of the cabin.

Sky had been doing some morning stretches, frowning as she watched Eva leave. "I didn't think separating them would hurt her this bad. Maybe we didn't make the right call last night..." She muttered to Millie.

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