Chapter 1

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There she was, standing on the train track waiting for the train to come. Memories of her past flashed before her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn't want to die this way, but what choice did she really have?
The train approached and she closed her eyes, I guess you can say out of fear. She waited for the train to get closer and each moment was getting frightening but she wasn't going to back down, not now. The train was now inches away from her as she could feel the strong wind. This is it; this is the end of Aarti Doobay.
She waited for the train to finally hit her when she suddenly felt someone grabbing her and pulled her towards him. Aarti opened her eyes, only to see that the train was already gone.

"Great! This is just great"
She mumbled and that's when she heard his voice for the first time.

"Only cowards commit suicide"
He said calmly. She looked up to see a young man standing next to her; he was tall, well-built and had the most gorgeous eyes she had ever seen.

"You don't know anything about me to pass that judgement"
She hissed at him.

"I don't need to. You're still a coward for attempting suicide"
He looked at her.

"Call me whatever you want to, it doesn't bother me"
She said coldly and saw hurt in his eyes,

"Thank you for saving me"
She said sarcastically and walked away. As she walked away, his words hit her hard. Was she really a coward? She asked herself. She had no reason to live anymore and decided to end her life, that doesn't make her a coward, does it? She tried not to let his words bother her. As she was going to cross the road a car came out of nowhere.

"Here's your chance Aarti, go for it"
She said and that's all she remembered.


He was driving home from his office when he saw a girl standing on the train track, waiting for the train to run her over. He just couldn't watch her die so he quickly got out of his car and rushed towards her. The train was coming with a speed but he managed to save her at the nick of time. She opened her eyes but he saw disappointment in them, however he was happy that she's safe. To make her realize whatever she's doing is wrong, he called her a coward for attempting suicide but the answer she gave shocked him. It seems as if she had been through a lot at such a young age, she looked really young. He tried provoking her to make her realize that suicide is wrong but instead it didn't matter to her. She walked away and he knew that wasn't the end of her suicide trial. He tried to take his mind off whatever just happened and was about to get into his car when he saw the same girl standing on the middle of the street and a car was approaching her. Anyone in their right mind after saving her once would just walk away but he couldn't do that. He rushed once more to save her but it was too late, the car had already hit her and drove off. He rushed by her side and noticed that she was bleeding a lot. He tried to wake her up but she was already unconscious. His hands trembled as he dialed 911 and explained the situation. Couple minutes later an ambulance came and put her in the back, as he sat opposite her. They got to the hospital and was questioned how he was related to the girl.

"Yash Sindhiya. I found her after the accident and called for help"
Was all he said. The doctors didn't dare question him after that since he's one the wealthiest business tycoon in India.

While her operation was on, Yash saw the nurse looked really worried. He asked her what was going on and was stunned with what she said next,

"Mr. Sindhiya, the patient in 4 weeks pregnant and it's not looking good"  He couldn't believe it, she's pregnant and yet she attempted suicide. Then a thought came to his mind, maybe she doesn't know she's pregnant, after all she's just 4 weeks along the way. As they were speaking, the doctor came to inform them that operation was a success, they managed to save both of them.

"Can I see her?"

Yash asked and the doctor nodded his head. He walked towards the room and saw her laying lifeless on the bed. She looked around, feeling confused with her surrounding. Yash was about to tell her she's in the hospital when the doctor walked into the room.

"Congratulations ma'am, you're 4 weeks pregnant. You need to take better care of yourself"
The doctor said checking her pulse.
She didn't utter a single word nor did she seem excited about her pregnancy, which really alarmed Yash.

"I'll go get your discharged papers ready"
The doctor said leaving the room. Yash looked at her carefully, trying to read her mind but got nothing from her. She just laid there and stared at the ceiling.

"Did you know you're pregnant?"
Yash finally asked her. He couldn't hold it in any longer. She finally looked at him and her silent said everything.

"What are you made out of? You tried to kill that little person living inside of you"
He said and part of him hoped that she would deny it but once again she kept quiet. Unable to take it anymore, he just walked away. What kind of a person tries to kill her unborn child? He asked himself.

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