Chapter 17

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"Before you go anywhere, let me make something very clear to each one of you"
Yash folded his arms and the women became nervous.

"None of you have any right to raise a finger on Aarti! I know exactly what goes on in each and everyone of your home. Of course, if I start revealing secrets then none of you would be able to show your faces in this society anymore"
Yash was beyond angry at this point.
The women looked down, ashamed of their behavior.

"I also want you to witness this"
Yash walked up to the temple that was in the corner of the mansion. He picked up a fistful of sindoor and approached Aarti. Before she could react, Yash filled her forehead. Aarti touched the sindoor with her hand and looked at Yash. He shouldn't have done that.
Dadima and Pari smiled, they were happy with Yash doing. He held Aarti hand and walked up to those women.

"This is Mrs. Aarti Yash Sindhyia, my wife! If anyone says a word against her, it won't be good"
Yash said looking at Aarti. She cried quietly; Yash just ruined his reputation to protect her.

"With people like you in this society, no one needs enemy. I called you here to bless this child, not to curse the mother. You're all mothers yet you couldn't understand a mother's pain"
Dadima stepped up along with Pari.

"You can all leave now"
Dadima said looking away from them. She felt ashamed to invite such people from the community, people that disrespected Aarti. The women left the mansion and Dadima walked up to Aarti.

"I'm sorry beta that you had to hear all this. I just wanted you to have the best baby shower"
Dadima said and Aarti hugged her.

"Please don't apologize Dadima"
Aarti said letting go of the hug.

"I can't stay here anymore" She said looking at Yash and he instantly looked at her.

"You shouldn't have done that YashJi! You shouldn't have!"
She began to walk backwards, leaving everyone shocked.

"I wasn't going to just stand there and watch them insult you"
Yash yelled out but Aarti walked up the stairs. Yash wanted to go after her, he wanted to explain that he truly loves her and want to marry her the right way. Aarti is so hurt at the moment, he really hoped that she understood why he did what he did.

"Dadima, do you also think I did the wrong thing?"
Yash asked while looking at dadima. His eyes were almost filled with tears.

"No beta! Whatever you just did, I agree with you completely"
Dadima hugged him.

"Then why does Aarti think wrong of me? I couldn't just stand there and watch those women insult her"
Yash held his dadima tightly.

"Yash, whatever you did was right but your way of doing it was wrong"
Pari said standing behind him. Yash turned to look at her.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that you protected Aarti's respect but try to  understand how Aarti must have felt when you married her"
Pari continued and Yash nods his head.

"You're right Pari, my intention was right but I took the wrong step"
Yash said looking towards the stairs.

"I need to talk to Aarti"
Dadima stopped him before he could go.

"So much has happened in the past couple minutes, it's probably best if we leave Aarti beta alone for some time. Talking to her right now might complicate things"
Dadima said while holding Yash hand.
Yash nods his head before looking at the stairs once more. Maybe dadima is right.

"Aarti thinks that she doesn't have any family left but she's wrong"
Yash looked at his dadima.

"She have you dadima, I know how much you love Aarti. You can do anything  for her happiness"
Yash turned to face Pari.

"She have you and Prateek, who loves her a lot. I saw the way you protected Aarti, just like a sister would. She's lucky to have all of you in her life"
Yash put his hand on her shoulder.

"And Aarti have you; the person that loves her more than life itself. With a life partner like you by her side, Aarti won't ever feel lonely"
Pari said to Yash.

Aarti sat on the bed, her eyes filled with tears. How could Yash do that? How would he marry her without her consent? Aarti was beyond upset, but it was mostly towards herself. Yash ruined his life by marrying her and she couldn't do anything to stop it.

"She's not married yet she's pregnant?"
Echoed in her head.

"Why is she staying with you? You should throw her out of your house before people start to gossip"
Aarti closed her eyes in pain.

"She's an unwed mother, a shame to society"
All those voices were playing over and over again in her head. Aarti put her hand over her ears, she couldn't continue listening to those taunts.
Aarti left the mansion, she didn't have to courage to say goodbye to dadima and she knew Yash would stop her if he knew she's leaving home.
Yash couldn't sleep, he kept on thinking about Aarti. He stood outside his bedroom window when he suddenly saw a shadow figure walking towards the main gate. He rushed towards the gate, assuming that might be a thief or an intruder.

"Wait right there or I'll call the police"
Yash yelled out from behind.
The person was no other than Aarti, she became shocked to hear Yash voice from behind. Yash couldn't recognize her because she had on a big shawl covering her.
Aarti tried walking away but she heard Yash voice once again.

"I'm dead serious! One more step and you'll spend all your time in jail"
He threatened as he walked closer to Aarti. She began trembling in fear, she wondered how Yash would react to her leaving.
Yash turned the person around and Aarti shawl fell on the ground, shocking Yash. He looked at her and wondered where she was going, especially at 11:00 PM.

"Aarti?! Why are you out of the mansion?"
Yash asked and Aarti looked down, unable to face him.

"I'm leaving the mansion"
Aarti said and turned to leave but Yash grabbed her hand.

"You're secretly leaving without even telling anyone"
Aarti felt guilty by his words.

"You're angry with me and I understand but you didn't even think about dadima? You know how much she loves you but you couldn't even say goodbye"
Yash said and Aarti cried. Yash must think she's the most selfish person, his family helped her out so much yet she was running away without a proper goodbye.

"I was afraid to say goodbye, I didn't have the courage to"
She said wiping her tears and Yash faced her.

"You didn't have to leave, Aarti. You could've stayed"
Yash held her hand and made her sit on the bench.

"You know Aarti, not everyone is lucky enough to have two set of families. Dadima loves you more than anything and your Prateek bhai and Pari also loves you. You might think that you're alone but you're not"
Yash tried to make her understand her importance in their lives.

"I'm indeed lucky to have them in my life! YashJi, I've been living with you for seven months. I know that we don't have a relationship but this is India, people are already starting to talk about this"
Aarti got up and faced the garden, away from Yash.

"I have to leave someday, might as well be today"
She closed her eyes as she said that. Living with Yash all these months, Aarti fell in love with him. She didn't plan for any of this to happen, Yash is so good that she couldn't help her feelings.

"I didn't know you hate me this much"
Yash said and Aarti quickly turned to face him. She can never hate him.

"I admit that I shouldn't have married you without your consent"
Yash continued.

"You shouldn't have married me at all"
Aarti yelled out loudly and suddenly felt pain on her stomach. She put her hand on her stomach and moaned in pain. Yash quickly grabbed her and made her sit down on the bench.

"Are you okay?"
Yash asked with concern and Aarti nodded her head.

"You want to take out your anger, please take it out on me. Hit me! Beat me! But please don't hurt yourself"
Yash knew that her stomach pain came from her yelling.

"You don't understand YashJi. You ruined your life by marrying me"
She was quiet at this point.

"But I can fix this! When I leave here everyone will forget everything that happened. Everything will be okay again for you and your family. No one will point fingers at you"
Aarti said looking at Yash.

"You don't need to go anywhere, Aarti. You're my wife!"
Yash considers Aarti as his life. He married her today and intend to fulfil all of the responsibility.

"I'm not your wife, YashJi. You married me because you felt sorry for me"
Aarti cried and Yash looked hurt.

"That's not why I married you Aarti"
Yash said holding her face.

"Then why did you marry me? Why did you take such a huge step YashJi?"
She cried while asking him but Yash stayed quiet. How could he tell her the reason why.

"Tell me YashJi. Why did you do this? Why did you ruin your life?"
She asked once again, this time she broke down completely.

"Because I love you god damn-it"
Yash yelled. Aarti looked shocked and confused, did she hear right?

"Because I love you"
Yash wiped her tears and she pushed him away.

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