Chapter 35

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There was a knock on their door, Yash was standing there with Aarya in his arm. Aarti quickly wiped her tears away, which was observed by Yash. He slowly walked towards her as he tried to read her face; he felt like something was bothering her and he wanted to know what it was.

"You missed lunch"

He put Aarya to walk around as he sat near her. Aarti looked at him and he realized her eyes were red and puffy.

"I needed a nap"

She said while playing with Aarya's head as she walked around them.

"Feeling better now?"

He asked and she heard concern in his voice.

"I'm okay now"

She assured him but he wasn't convinced.

"Can I ask you something?"

He rubbed the back of his head, wondering if he should talk to her about this. Aarti nodded her head but deep down she was nervous.

"Do you know Abhay Raichand?"

He asked and Aarti froze. How did he know that name?

"Where did you hear that name?"

She asked in a shaky voice and Yash noticed her hands were trembling a little.

"I got a call from the minister; he wanted to talk about Abhay"

Aarti felt like she was having a panic attack. She wondered if the minister knows about Yash memory loss and questioned if that's why he reached out to him.

"What did he say?"

She asked in a low voice and this time he saw fear in her eyes.

"He didn't say much over the phone. He we wants me meet in person"

Yash exhaled.

"Do you know the reason why? Maybe you remembered something that I don't"

Yash was seriously at a loss. He doesn't remember meeting Abhay in person; he only knows about him because of his dad. So he was surprised to get a call from the minister himself asking to meet.

"I'll answer all of your questions Yash"

Aarti finally spoke; she knew that Yash had questions only she can answer.

"But not here. Can we meet at the garden later?"

She asked and Yash agreed.

Later that night, Aarti asked dadima to watch Aarya as she stepped outside. She walked towards the garden and Yash was already standing there; his back facing her. As she got closer, Yash felt her presence and quickly turned around; Aarti looked stunning in her light blue saree.

They both sat down on the swing and Aarti mustered up the courage to tell Yash the truth.

"I know you have a lot of questions on your mind"

Aarti starts off while she looked at Yash.

"And there's so much I want to tell you as well; I just don't know how to"

She continued and Yash looked on.

"How do I know Abhay?"

He finally asked and Aarti closed her eyes, this answer will ruin her marriage but Yash needed to know.

"You met Abhay because of me"

She said while looking down.

"I'll tell you everything you want to know about him; but first I want to tell you how I met you"

She got up from the swing and took a step back, facing him.

"I was standing on the"

"Train track?"

Yash said before she could continue. Aarti looked at him; surprised that he remembered.

"How did you know?"

She got closer to him.

"I don't know. I just had a vision of you standing there"

He said while rubbing his head and he was more confused.

"You saved me that day"

She said quietly as she recalled their first meeting.

"Why were you on the train track?"

He walked up to her and saw guilt in her eyes.

"I wanted to end my life"

She couldn't look at him; Yash was left speechless. Is that how they first met? He saved her from committing suicide?

"Is this because of Abhay?"

He got closer to her and raised her chin; they were inches away from each other. Aarti nodded her head.

"What did he do?"

Yash felt his blooding boiling.

"I became pregnant"

She whispered loud enough for Yash to hear. His eyes widen as he understood what Aarti was saying; he became devastated by her words.

"What are you saying?"

Yash finally spoke. Was Aarya not his child? Did Aarti betray him? All those questions kept echoing in his head.

"Is Abhay Aarya's real dad? Is that why the minister is calling me?"

Yash squealed and Aarti sobbed quietly. Yash was getting impatient; how could Aarti betray him like this?

Aarti tried to talk but words weren't coming out of her mouth.

"Answer me god damn it. Is he Aarya's real dad?"

Yash held her shoulder and pleaded with her; he needed the truth. Aarti nodded her head, looking down ashamed. Yash let go of her, and stumbled backwards. Aarti rushed to his side and tried to hold him.

"Don't touch me"

He pushed her hand away as he felt the entire garden spinning.

"But it's not what you think Yash"

Aarti tried touching him again but he was not having it.

"Then what is it, Aarti? What were you going to say? That you were young and made a mistake? Okay fine, I get that; but why ruin my life with this lie?"

Yash finally faced her and she saw the hurt and disappointment in his eyes.

"Do you have any idea how much I love Aarya? She became a part of me and I can't live without her"

Yash broke down crying and Aarti felt hurt seeing him like that.

"I've never lied to you Yash. I've always been honest from the very start. I know that you don't remember our life together but I've always done right to you"

Aarti wiped her tears.

"You've been my rock from the beginning; you supported me when my own family didn't"

She continued as Yash stood there.

"I became pregnant with Aarya"

She closed her eyes as she recalled Abhay molesting her.

"Because he took advantage of me and he raped"

She couldn't even finish talking as she began to sob uncontrollably. Yash eyes widen as he realized what Aarti was trying to say.

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