Chapter 23

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"Let's go"

She said excitingly and grabbed Yash hand which was noticed by Aarti. She felt envious as she watched them walk away.

Once alone, Yash cleared his throat.

"Look, I know you're doing us a favor and I'm thankful; I just don't like you holding me or wiping my mouth"

He said and she at him.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable Yash. Pari told me to make it look believable"

"I know you're just doing as told, I'm sorry, I know you're just trying to help"

Maybe he's reading too much into all this, after all they're trying to make Aarti jealous.

"She loves you, you know"

Arpita blurted out and Yash turned around.

"I can see it in her eyes. She doesn't like me very much and it's only because she thinks I'm going to steal you away"

She continued and Yash sighed.

"I wish she would just tell me how she feels"

He said defeated.

"I know you don't like holding hands but I kind of have an idea to make her jealous"

She said and he looked on.

"But for that we'll need to walk into the living room hand in hand"

Yash let out a frustrated sigh and decided why not. He'll do anything to make her confess. They both walked back into the living room, hand in hand. Aarti was visibly troubled which was noticed by Dadi and she smiled. Aarti is finally showing some kind of emotion, soon enough she'll claim her Yash.

"How do you like the mansion?"

Dadima asked trying to start a conversation.

"It's so beautiful Dadi"

Arpita said and Aarti frowned, that's her dadima.

"Yash was just showing me our room, I mean after we get married"

Arpita said while looking at Aarti and Dadi eyes widen. Yash almost choked on the water he was sipping on while Aarti tried not to cry.

Aarti became dizzy once more and she held on to her head. Yash noticed her sudden change and followed her into the kitchen.

"Are you okay?"

She heard his voice from behind; she didn't want him to see her so broken.

"I'm okay Yashji"

She said while getting some water.

"No you're not!"

He turned her around and saw tears in her eyes. He couldn't take it anymore and hugged her so tight, he felt sorry for doing all this drama. She hugged him back for a moment, feeling completely relaxed in his arm. But then she remembered that Arpita is in the living room and she gently pushed him away.

She saw everything blurry and lost her balance for a moment but Yash held her, he was getting concerned for her.

"Come sit down"

He held her hand and tried taking her to the living room but she pushed him a little harder.

"I don't need your help Yashji. I can take care of myself on my own"

She protested while he looked hurt.

"You have Arpita to worry about now. I'll be okay"

She tried to walk away but he grabbed her hand.

"I will worry about you until the day I die and no one could never change that"

He caressed her cheeks and she became weak in the knees.

"But Arpita"

She whispered.

"Just say the word and I won't marry her"

Yash said but it was more of a plead. Aarti became restless, what is he trying to say she wondered.

"I just want you to be happy, Yashji"

She cupped his face and looked into his eyes.

"And you think my happiness is with her?"

He asked.


She lied before walking away. Yash knew she was lying; her words could lie but her eyes could never.

"This is going to be harder than I thought"

Yash said to Dadi as he rubbed the back of his head and she nodded her head in agreement.

"Just put a stop to everything Dadima. Aart won't budge and I can't keep pretending with Arpita anymore"

He said before walking away and Dadi frowned. How else is Aarti going to confess her feelings now, she wondered.

That night Aarti sat on the terrace, gazing at the stars. After what just happened with Yash, she needed to be alone. Yash was starting to see into her heart and she was afraid that he would figure out her true feelings.

The rain started pouring suddenly, Aarti just sat there and tears ran down her cheeks. She can't watch Yash fall in love with Arpita, it'll break her.

Yash was sitting in his room; he was distracted by Aarti's thoughts when Nakul knocked on the door.

"Umm, Aarti ma'am is on the terrace and it's pouring"

Nakul informed him and Yash immediately got up and grabbed an umbrella. He rushed to the terrace and saw her drenched.


She heard his voice and opened her eyes. He kneeled down besides her and lifted the umbrella to cover her from the rain.

"Let's go downstairs, you're going to get sick"

He spoke.

"Please go Yashji. I just wanna be alone right now"

She looked away.

"I'm not leaving you in this rain"

He took her hand and pulled her towards him.

"Why are you doing this?"

She looked into his eyes.

"Why do you care so much?"

She asked once more.

"You already know why! I've told you many times already"

Yash cupped her cheeks.

"But you're with Arpita! You shouldn't be this close to me, Yashji. She won't like it"

Aarti whispered and Yash held her tighter.

"Do you like it that I'm so close to Arpita?"

He asked and she stayed quiet.

"Do you even care at all that she's in my life?"

He asked again and she pushed him away.

"Of course I don't like it Yashji. Of course it hurts to see you two together"

She blurted out

"I hate that she's in your life"

She broke down crying.

"Even if she's the right choice for you"

Yash grabbed her in his arms and hugged her tightly but she tried to push him away.

"Who said she's the right choice? She was never my choice"

She could feel his heart beating very fast.

"She's not damaged like I'm"

She cried in his arm and he also teared up when he heard her say that.

"You're not damaged, Aarti. Don't ever say that about yourself"

He wiped her tears. 

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