Chapter 22

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"Dadi invited me for lunch"

Arpita said as if she could read Yash's expression. He just nod his head and then continued to play with Aarya. Aarti took Aarya from Yash so they could have some privacy.

"Where are you going with Aarya? I want you both here with me"

He held Aarti hand and she looked at Arpita, feeling embarrassed.

"You two should get to know each other a little, it seems like dadima found the one for you"

She tried to remove Yash hand from hers but he was too strong.

"Does it not bother you that Arpita is here? Do you not care that dadima wants me to marry her?"

He asked, ignoring the fact that Arpita is standing right there.

"Dadima just wants you to be happy Yashji"

She looked down.

"So you think I should marry her?"

He asked and she became silent.

"Since nobody seems to care about what I want or who I love"

He said while looking at Aarti and she felt butterflies as he said that.

"Then I guess I'll marry Arpita and make you both happy"

He finally let go of her hand; took Aarya, and walked away. Aarti just stood there, trying to process what just happened.

"Of course I don't want you to marry Arpita! Of course I do care"

She was lost in her own thoughts when she noticed Arpita still standing there. A part of her wanted to tell her to go home but dadima came and took Arpita away.

She followed them into the dining room and noticed Yash and Arpita sitting next to each other.

Yash understood earlier that Aarti is affected by everything; when he said he'll marry Arpita, Aarti's face said it all. She does love him and he knows it now. He decided to continue with this plan, it's the only way to get Aarti to confess.

"Dadima, I want to get to know Arpita better before we get married"

Yash said while pretending to smile with Arpita but deep down he wishes it was Aarti next to him instead.

Dadima nods her head but wondered what happened to Yash, why is she rushing the plan when he's supposed to take it slow.

Both Yash and Arpita stood up to leave

"Where are you two going?"

Dadi was confused.

"On a date. Don't wait up for us"

Yash said while looking at Aarti before they both left. Aarti felt her heart break in a million pieces, she excused herself from dinner.

"Yash, what are you doing beta? Oh my god, I hope he didn't fall in love with Arpita"

Dadi was worried about Yash sudden change.

Once outside, Yash called a cab for Arpita to go home and he went to their outhouse and relaxed there. He just wanted Aarti to think that they're on a date, that might drive her crazy enough to confess her love. He decided to stay there for a few hours, that might make Aarti anxious.

"I'm sorry Aarti for doing this to you but I know that you love me; I always felt it but today I saw it in your eyes. I just want you to tell me how you feel. I want you and only you, Aarti"

He slowly fell asleep on the sofa, in the outhouse.

Aarti was up after midnight, feeding Aarya. Her door was left slightly opened and she noticed Yash room light wasn't on; usually he'll be up working on his computer. She wondered if Yash fell in love with Arpita, what they must be doing at this moment and her heart began to beat very fast.

"Why does it bother me that Yash is out with Arpita? I should be happy that he found someone to spend the rest of his life with, but why do I feel so unhappy?"

She was brought back to reality when she heard Aarya giggle. She smiled at her baby girl and kissed her forehead, turned around and was startled to find Yash standing in front of her door.

"My princess doesn't want to sleep tonight?"

Yash slowly walked towards Aarti; they were inches apart and he leaned in closer. Aarti's heart started beating rapidly she could feel his soft breathing. He then stretched his arms and Aarya jumped in his hands. Yash smirked as he realized his effect on Aarti, he knew she felt his closeness.

"You're home late"

She said looking at him.

"Arpita did not want the date to end"

He lied and noticed her expression changed.

"Do you.. do you like her?"

She asked quietly while looking down.

"I'm just getting to know her. She's a nice girl"

He lied again. Truth is, he doesn't want to get to know Arpita, nor does he care if she's a nice girl. Aarti just nodded her head and they stood there silently. Aarya fell asleep and Yash placed her in her basinet.

"Good night Aarti"

Yash said while walking towards the door, not wanting to leave her.

"Good night Yashji"

Aarti wished he didn't have to leave.

The next morning Dadima knocked on Yash door.

"come in"

Dadi entered the door, closed the door behind her and sat on his bed.

"Yashu, what happened yesterday? Why did you take Arpita out a date?"

Dadi asked in her cute, concerned voice and Yash chuckled

"To get to know her better, dadima"

He teased her and her eyes widen. She was on the verge of hitting him with her cane but he bent down to face her.

"I'm just kidding dadima"

He said and she relaxed a little.

"I just wanted to make Aarti jealous, that's all. After we left the mansion I called her a cab and she went home"

He continued and she sighed in relief.

"Good. I don't like her"

Dadi said and he lot a small laugh.

"I don't like her either but it seems like our plan is working"

He recalled Aarti acting differently.

Arpita came back to the mansion, Pari sent her with more instructions.

Dadima saw her and also coached her on what to do, hopefully Aarti confesses soon and they won't have to see Arpita again.

Aarti woke up with a pounding headache, she felt dizzy but ignored it. She walked towards the kitchen to get a cup of tea and saw Yash and Arpita having breakfast. She was surprised to see Arpita over, especially so early in the morning.

Aarti walked past them and Yash looked at her, she looked so beautiful in her yellow saree. She made her tea and was about to head back to her room when Yash asked her to join them for breakfast.

"Aarya is all alone in the room"

She made an excuse to not be around them.

"Not anymore"

Dadi was holding Aarya in her arm; Aarti had no choice but to sit down with them. She silently drank her tea while Yash secretly stared at her.

"You have something on your lip, Yash"

Arpita said while cleaning it with a tissue and Yash flinched a little. He knows that it's part of the plan but he still felt uncomfortable. Aarti did not like seeing Arpita be so affectionate towards Yash.

After breakfast, they all sat in the living room and Dadi told Yash to show Arpita around the house.

"Let's go"

She said excitingly and grabbed Yash hand which was noticed by Aarti. She felt envious as she watched them walk away. 

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