Chapter 6

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The next few days were the best of my life. I and Finn started dating. We were 'that' couple that everyone made gag noises at. You read it in books and see it in movies how amazing high school romance is but you think it's complete bullshit and only sounds good in theory but then you're in a relationship, you feel the butterflies in your tummy, you smile at the thought of them, you're happy and then you realise the books and movies were all true. High school romance is actually one of the best things you'll ever experience in your life.

Where on one side I was happy with Finn, on the other I was having problems with Zack. I told him about the date and kiss afterwards and he started acting detached after that. He ignored me in the hallway, didn't sit with me during lunch, if I ever asked him anything his only reply was 'whatever'. This was all very foreign to me. I had no idea what was wrong with my best friend of the last 10 years. Did I do something wrong? Was Finn the problem? Was he jealous? I didn't know but u was determined to find out.

Zack's POV

I had been avoiding Becky since her date. I know she didn't do anything wrong but seeing her with Finn just irritated me. I know it was unfair to her but it was better than getting angry at her whenever she talked about Finn. I missed her though. So much. She was always with him. He just never left her side. The thought of them together annoyed me. I knew it was irrational and stupid but I couldn't help it.

My phone beeped. It was a message from Becky " Jog tomorrow please?? Need to talk. I miss you :/" I sighed. Well at least I would be alone with her so I texted her back with a yes.

Becky's POV

I waited for Zack in the park the next morning. He met up with me and we started jogging. It felt normal. Like everything for just fine with us two but it wasn't. He didn't speak anything and was very quite so I decided to speak up " Zack I've missed you. What's wrong? You don't talk to me. Don't say hi. Just walk past me. Did I do something wrong? Please talk" he sighed. " It's nothing Becks. You're overreacting like always. Schools just been stressful. And besides you're always busy with Finn and I don't want to intrude so I'm keeping my distance" I looked at him. His face seemed sad. " That's nonsense Zack. You have always been my number one priority and you still are. It's silly that you think that way" "Becky you don't understand. I wouldn't want my girlfriend to be hanging out with other guys and I'm sure Finn feels the same way "" That's where you're wrong. Finn understands. You've been a part of my life longer than he has and he gets it" I stopped in my tracks and so did Zack. I went over to him and gave him the biggest hug I possibly could. He tensed up at first but then gradually put his arm around me and engulfed me in a bear hug. " Please don't leave me. I need you." I whispered. "Who's acting silly now?" he laughed. And at that moment I knew things were alright.

We continued jogging after that intimate moment we just shared. " There's something I've been meaning to tell you" zack said. My interested was piqued now "I'm listening" "Um in all this time you've been busy I've grown close to someone else. And I think I like them. I would also like to date them but only if you're ok with it" "You've never asked me for my permission to date before. Don't see how's it stopping you this time" I smiled. " This time it's a little different. If you have a problem with it I would totally understand and wouldn't even think about making a move" he said nervously. " Who's it?" "Someone you know" "I know a lot of people Zack. Who's it?" "Ok fine, Emma" he blurted out.

I stopped and stared at him. Him and Emma? No. No. No. Not possible. No. How the hell did my best friend 'like' my other best friend? No. I refused to believe what I heard. Yes I secretly knew Emma always had a thing for Zack though she never admitted but they weren't even close. They were friends only cause I was their best friend. But Emma was exactly Zack's type. Stunning. Popular. Emma was everything Zack wanted in a girl. "How? When? Where? What?" I fumbled. He grinned "You were so busy with Finn and even Emma felt left out so we got to talking and you know the rest" " But, but... You and Emma? She's... She's my best friend and you're MY best friend. How? This. Is. Not. Possible." "Becks if you have any problem with it, I won't even bring it up again. I'll leave the matter forever and not make a move at all" "Nooo" I screamed " Don't do that. No. If you like her then you should definitely go for it. You have my blessing and besides I've always thought she liked you" I smiled at him. He grinned again. "You're sure right? Like a 100%?" he asked me again. "Yes. Nothing would make me happier." he gave me a one armed hug and we continued with our jog. Everything was ok once again.

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