The beginning

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" Can we not talk about this right now? Please? I really am not interested in what happened last night between you and and her" I said out loud to Zack making sure the tone of disgust was clear in my voice. Zack was my best friend and I loved him to bits but he could get quite graphic about his love life and I really didn't want to hear about it. I picked up my pace and jogged ahead of him.

This was our daily ritual. At 6 am sharp we would go for a jog in the park after which he came home and had breakfast. He would go back, get dressed and come home again at 8 to pick me for school. We had been doing this for so long that it was a habit now.

He raced to catch up with me. " Becky your over reacting like usual, it's annoying now. I don't understand why you have a problem with all the girls I date" he said in a tone of annoyance. I stopped in my tracks and stared at him. " Are you kidding me? Are you freaking kidding me zack? I do NOT have a problem with you dating anyone but yes when you tell me in detail about what you did with her you really can't expect me to be interested right?? I'm sick of all the stories you tell me. With Ashley, Rosy, Amber , Sophie..." He interrupted me " Okay fine I get it " he walked off away from me sulking. Yes my best friend was a drama queen. Zack Harries was 6 ft tall. Lean and built with the most gorgeous blue eyes you had ever seen. He had high cheekbones and a very strong jawline. He was in the football team and was usually considered a stud in my school but one little comment from me could hurt him. He was a baby. But this big baby I loved. No one knew this side of him. He didn't open up to people. To outsiders he was this tough macho guy but only I and his mom knew what a big softie he was.

I had known Zack my entire life. From him pulling my hair in kindergarten to him telling me about his first kiss I had been there for all. We were really close. Most people misconstrued this closeness for something else but when I was with Zack it didnt really matter what people thought about us.

I walked up to him " I'm sorry" I said in the most apologetic voice I could. He looked away. "I'm really very sorry Zack " . " What makes you think I care ??" I could hear the hurt in his voice. " If you dont talk to me i'll be really hurt" I said. "Like how you hurt me?" he asked raising his eyebrows. I just stared at him not knowing what to say. It hurt me when I hurt him. I'm not really sure how to explain it but when he looked at me with those hurt puppy dog eyes of his,it broke mt heart. " Look Becky I know what you think of me" he said still hurt. I raised my eyebrows questioning him. " I know you think of me as this huge playboy who just uses these girls for my pleasure and as soon as I'm done with them I throw them away, but it's not like that. Yes I know I've dated quite a lot of girls but never have I used them. I've genuinely been into each of them..." he went on telling me about how much he cared about these girls and blah blah. I didn't need him to tell me all this. I knew exactly who he was. " Will you shut up Zack? You really think you need to justify yourself to me? I obviously don't think that about you , you moron. I know you better than you know yourself. And I know exactly how much you respect women, I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it that way, And you know that" I told him, the apology very evident in my voice, He hugged me after this. It meant all was forgiven and forgotten, " Moms made pancakes today. Let's see if you can race me big guy" I laughed and ran. He followed me laughing too.

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