The Land of The Cherry Blossom and the Return of the Deceased Princess, Konohana

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Very long chapter. Also, featuring some Genshin Impact characters and one Honkei Impact character including monsters

No One P.O.V - Dream

Sakura was standing in a wide field, surrounded by the many rows of cherry blossom trees. She was confused about why she was there. Before she could start moving, she heard a voice



"Please... Help her..."

'Her? Her who?'

"Please... Save my mother... help her move on..."

Dream end

Then Sakura woke up with a gasp from the dream. She can still feel her heart beating quite fast. She slowly got up from her bed as the sweat falls down from her face

'What was that dream...? I keep having that dream ever since we came back from the crazy adventure on the island...' Sakura thought to herself as she got out from bed

She went to the bathroom to wash her face

'I look terrible. I hope everyone won't notice' Sakura thought as she started to wash her face and started to get ready to go to work

Pigsy's Noodles

When Sakura got to work, she saw MK sweeping the floor, Pigsy was prepping, Tang was reading, and Mei was on her phone. When she got inside, Tang was the first to noticed

"Sakura? Are you feeling well?" Tang asked as he looked at his niece with a worried look

"I'm fine. Why?" She asked

"Well, you have dark circles under your eyes" Tang said

"I promise I'm alright" Sakura said and Mei got too close to her face, invading her privacy

"No, your not. I think you should talk to Sandy. Maybe he can help" Mei said

"Help with what?" Iris asked as she and Kyubi, who was in his human form entered the shop

"Well... Look at her" Mei said as she moved Sakura in front of the duo and they looked shocked at the state she's in

"What happened to you?" Kyubi asked

"...I have been having these dreams lately" Sakura admitted

"Dreams? What kind?" Iris asked

"The dream takes place at this wide field, surrounded by rows of cherry blossoms, and... I heard a voice" Sakura said

"A voice?" Kyubi asked

"It kept telling me to save her or help her move on, but I have no idea who though" Sakura said

"How long did you have those dreams?" Iris asked

"Since we got back from the island..." Sakura admitted

"That long?! But that was a month ago!" Pigsy shouted

"I know..."

"Why didn't you tell us?" MK asked

"I thought it'll go away over time, but it didn't..." Sakura said

"Interesting... Brother, do you have any idea what her dream means?" Iris asked

"To be honest, I have no idea. Maybe the Lotus prince might know" Kyubi said

"Nezha? He might know" Sakura said "I'll go after work"

"No way, you go see him now" Iris said

"But work..."

"You can't work looking so tired. So go see the lotus prince" Pigsy said

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