Chapter 7: Reunion

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You'll read my writing says nuzzling, it's kinda've like a hug.

Winger POV


I woke up. It was Mom's birthday. I felt like staying in my nest and crying for the rest of the day. I missed her so much. But I had to be strong for the team. I had to hide the pain, the sorrow. Ignore the pain and it will go away. I caught Kiara looking at me strangely, but I dismissed it. We had a quick breakfast and before I could raise my wings, Kiara asked me something. "Winger, can we talk? Alone." "O ok" I stuttered. Since when did I stutter? What did she want to ask me about? Did she like me? Or what if she didn't and wanted to ask if I liked her? Was she going to stay goodbye? The others began poking each other and smiling as Dak climbed off my back and onto Cutter's. "Are you okay?"

Kiara POV

Huttsgalore out on the dock

I asked Winger because he was obviously in pain and trying to hide it. Everyone was worried about him. I knew because I have done the same so many times. He seemed surprised and then said, "I'm fine, really I'm fine." "Liar, I know something's up. What is it?". He started staring off in the distance and whispered, "It's my mom's birthday today." I remembered him telling me his mom died a couple years ago. "I know how you feel but everyone is worried about you. We can help you" I said "How" he snapped. I jerked back in surprise. "Sorry, but I feel like I'm alone on this" Winger apologized a second later. "No you're not Wing. Cutter was ripped away from his family at a young age. Aggro lost her entire family. Burple never even had one growing up. Summer's family got captured. Even Dak and Layla lost a mother twice" I said. "I didn't think about it that way," Winger admitted.

Winger POV


I've really never thought about it that way. I always thought I was alone in my pain. That no one really understood me. By fire this dragon is making me see things in a new light. I almost lost her, I have to tell her how I feel. Somehow. I turned to fly away but Kiara wasn't coming. "You coming?" I asked. "In a few minutes. You can go ahead" she responded. "Ok" I replied as I started flying toward the roost. What was she doing?

Kiara POV


As soon as Winger left I started concentrating. I've never really done this before. I started looking for energy signatures. Each dragon has a part of them that only dragons like me can trace and track them. Blue lights showed up all around the globe and started disappearing until only one was left. It didn't fade and only grew stronger. Winger's mom was alive and on Storm island. An entire day's flight from here. Every year a storm from that island hits this area while the island gets one day of calm weather. Thankfully that day was tomorrow, but I had to leave now for the fastest flight. I had to go. I owed them a lot and I wanted to reunite them. They deserved it. Winger deserved it. I looked up at the Roost and flapped my wings and shot off into the sky.

Winger POV

A day later at the Roost

Where is Kiara? It's been a day, an entire day. Was she taken? Did she get hurt? Did she leave us? The thought of it made me sad. A storm raged outside while I kept pacing inside. "Winger" Dak called as I made another loop around the nests. "Wing. She might have left for good, just calm". Dak was interrupted when the sleep cave door slammed open and Violet stood there panting. "The storm is" She took in a deep breath, "destroying the town. Our hut collapsed". "Let's go," I shouted. My thoughts and feelings could wait, the town needed us.

Kiara POV

In the sky.

I have been flying for hours. I flew around the storm heading to Huttsgalore. I hope they're okay. An island passed under me and I looked ahead and knew that that island was Storm island. Tall jagged mountains with tips that seem to reach the sky. A forest below with nearly no leaves, the bare branches thick. I flew silently, not wanting to tell the Skrills that lived here that I was passing by. No swiftwing would want to live here so why was she? I landed in the nearest clearing. The trees seemed to have been scorched by lightning. I better move fast. I sniffed my senses coming alive as I began to find the swiftwing. I started following a faint trail, turning invisible so I couldn't be seen. I followed the trail until I came to the base of the smallest mountain. The scent was everywhere. The swiftwing was smart. I started circling the base when something caught my eye. A cut in the mountain a few feet above my head. I flew up and climbed through it. A clearing filled with plants and a stream running through it. It was small but could support a swiftwing easily. I walked around still invisible as I spotted a nest with a heap of blue scales rising and falling. I turned back into a swiftwing and poked the dragon. She woke up in a second, growling. I backed away. She was a few shades lighter than Winger with scars all over, but her eyes were the same golden ones Winger had. She really was his mom. "Wait" I shouted before she could blast me. "I don't want to hurt you". She didn't drop her defensive stance. "What do you want?" she growled. "I want to ask you a question," I said. "One and then you'll leave," She said. "Okay. Do you have a son named Winger around my age?" I could tell she was trying to hide something, everything matched up on my mental search. She was Winger's mother. She just stared at me for a minute then said "Yes".

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