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Monday/still >•</

(^^^That's what basically happens when Michael and Luke are meeting officially it's adorbs)

michaels pov..

I walked into the detention room and took a quick glance of the people in the room.

The thing I noticed is that the teacher is already sleeping and it's all boys. All penis. No vagina. Best day ever.

I grinned my way to the seat next to the blonde guy I winked at before.
He was starring at me furiously as if I did some thing wrong. I just grinned at him and sat on the seat in front of his feet.

I put my head down as soon as I got bored. I reached for my phone but my pocket was empty. I began to panic. My phone! Where is it? I stood up and looked through my back pack

Not there. I threw it to another desk and got on my knees. I was frustrated and stood up.

"Do you think he noticed Ashton?"
"Haha what does it look like Cally."

I turned around and glared at the two guys who had my phone. I snatched it from there hands and unlocked it. Looks like they were looking through my pictures.

My face flushed red again.

"Why do you guys have to be such douche bags?" I joked with them. I shoved the brunette one's shoulder.

"It's in our blood", Ashton scoffed,"I'm only kidding with you! I'm Ashton and this is Calum." They set their hands out and I shook their hands.

"I'm Michael. But um please don't ever touch my phone guys." I warned them.
They just giggled. We ended up having a conversation about who I was and where I was. Things like that until they both got into their own little world forgetting about me.

I looked at the blonde behind them and decided to chat with him.
He was sleeping but hey who cares right?

"Hey there? Uh what's your name again?" I tapped his shoulder.

"Luuuuke.", The boy groaned. His head still buried in his elbow. God, it sounded so hot when he groaned. Wonder how he sounds moaning.

"I'm Michael ,luuuuke." I joked with him. He looked up at my face and his blue eyes widened. Hi blinked a couple times and rubbed his eyes.

He groaned even louder. "It's you, pedo boy", he mumbled.
I wasn't offended but I acted like I was, so I put my hand over my heart and gasped.

"Such a name shouldn't be used from such a beautiful princess", I told him. I rubbed his chin with my thumb ,but he quickly swatted it away.

Hey he called me a pedo when we met so I called him a princess when we met. You see the connection here?

He scoffed and raised his eye brow,"Do I really look like a princess to you?"

"Well do I look like a pedo to you?" I replied.

He nodded and began laughing at his lame joke.

"Well any ways at least our friendship will be double p. Not just pedo and princess if you know what I mean." I nudged his shoulder and winked at him. He blushed even redder then my self. He looks hot when his face is red.

"So I see you have one of these pink slips Lukey?" I poked his right pocket.

"Touché Mikey", he looked at me.

" How'd you get yours?"

"Sleeping. And you?" He rubbed his face.

"Well it's a weird story because I have two of these." I pulled two of them out of my jackets pocket.

"Go head and explain, love. I got time.", He ushered me.

So I went on and explained that the first one was because I yelled out Fuck in the middle of hall. Something about profanity. Luke disagreed there. He laughed and said he says that all the time and never gets caught. When I was about to tell him the second he stopped me.

" I know you got that one. It was when you winked at me in front of the girls restroom?" He questioned. I nodded as I saw him lightly blush at the words 'winked at me' .

"Yeah well I was mad at the fact that I got a detention slip so i wanted to wash it off. I guess just didn't see the girls sign though." I laughed. I rubbed my nose.

"Hey Luke?" I glanced at the clock. Our two hours were just about up. Luke looked up at me. "Let me show you a magic trick ok?". He nodded. I pulled out a paper and wrote my number down on it. I grabbed his right hand and put the paper in it.

I reached for his left hand and placed it over his right and shook them both.
The timer went off and I got up.

"You can open it now." I told him. I got up and walked out to the front of the school. I went out side and instead of walking home I immediately hid behind a bush and waited for Luke. Yeah I know soooo not creepy.

When he finally got out he pulled out his phone and had my paper in his hands. He typed something in and smiled.

My phone's ringer blared off and the song Just Dance by Lady Gaga came blasting out.

"Just Dance! gonna be ok dada dodo Just dance. Spin my record babe!"

Shit. I grabbed my phone and tried shutting it off , but failing at it. I dropped my phone on the grass and tried picking it up...again.

"Michael? Is that you?"Luke came over walking and I just ran my ass off not even bothering to check my phone. I knew I was in deep shit now so I just snuck into my window at home.

"Mom!! Are you home?!" I shouted when I finally got in my room through my window. No answer sounds good. She probably won't know I got detention. I headed down the hall to the kitchen. I grabbed two slices of bread and put a pizza in between. I'm not a cook or anything ,but I'm into trying new things.

Once I finished eating I head out to shower. I turned the faucet on and turned my music up loud. Completely oblivious from my moms shouting. But of course she gave up and waited by my rooms door. I finished my shower and put a towel around my waist and opened my door.

"How was your day honey?" She asked ruffling my hair.
I nodded in response and smiled at her. She pouted at me and said,"Detention? It's ok I won't tell dad just try to behave Michael". She sighed and kissed my forehead and closed the door leaving.

I checked my phone and saw the text from Luke. I changed the contact name to Princess and texted him back.

M: Hey Luke

L: I think I'm getting stalked by a lady Gaga fan -.- but hey Mikey

M: who knows maybe you are

L: haha that's so funny Clifford.

M: what ever Luke.

L: Yeah ok. Well I gtg take a shower and right after I'll sleep. So goodnight Michael and hopefully I'll see you tomorrow after school. I don't have detention so yeah.

M: mhm ok princess. Nighty night.
Right under my message said: Read 10:04 PM

I wanted to reply to him that I won't see him tomorrow because I had another 2 hours after school cause of the restroom incident. But I couldn't since my phone was dying. I plugged my phone in its charger and fell asleep. I don't dream so it was just darkness as a dream.

Gosh that was a bad ending -.- so sorry for that. Awww they have each other's numbers. Who knew Michael liked Lady Gaga so much right?! Haha I'm bad at humor sooo ummmm. BANANA UNICORNDOGS!!! Lol what evs guys. Ilysm
~XOXO Amada💜

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