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michael's pov

God,my parents are going to kill me. I promised no more detention in this school. But teachers say other wise. I mean it's not my fault that my favorite word is fuck, I mean is it really my fault? Or is it the schools stupid rules?!

Fuck. I stormed into the bathroom and went to the sink. I turned it on (haha I turned it on) and splashed the wet water on my face. I reached over to get a towel to dry my face when I saw ballerina shoes in a stall.

Well someone should tell this girl she's in the wrong bathroom. I tried to hold back my laugh but really ended up choking on it.

"Uhh excuse me ballerina ,but you're in the wrong bathroom. This is the bo-" I stopped mid-sentence.

"Michael Clifford?! Get out of the girls restroom young man! But wait out side by the door so I can deal with your punishment. Perhaps more detention?", The dean of instruction came in.

Wait what? I'm in the girls restroom? Holy shit! Score for Mikey! Can't wait to brag about this to the friends that I don't have.

"Michael!", The lady pointed outside. Oh right! Great detention after school.
Just how I want my Monday to go.

I walked out the restroom beet red of embarrassment. I shoved my hands in my pants pockets and leaned on the wall. I heard the school bell ring meaning C lunch and then two more periods.

A burst of giggles came from the room right across the bathroom.
"I can't believe you fell asleep in class again! That's like the 5th time though Luke.", a curly haired boy laughed. It looked like he needed to chill and catch his breath.

The blonde boy just shrugged it off. He looked up at me and making eye contact. I ,being the little gay shit that I've always loved, winked at the poor boy. He just turned red and walked to the cafeteria.

"Alright Michael, you can leave now.", The dean handed me the pink slip.
Second time I get detention today. In this whole day I'm going to detention twice.

Hooray. Jesus Christ.....

/So this is the first official chapter of this Muke fan fic. God I'm so exited. Because I greatly ship Muke. You know if they aren't straight or anything.....I'd like them to be together. Not this Larry stuff or anything. I'm not like that .

~XOXO Amada 🍕🍔💘

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