Prolouge 00

11 0 0


luke's pov

I ruffled my dirty blonde hair and yawned. Rubbing my eyes, I looked around the classroom to see if any one was looking at me. I mean I just slept 30 minutes into the class. A 45 minute class.

But one was starring at me. No one at all (note the sarcasm). A girly giggle was heard from the front of the room. Well Lucas all eyes on you right?

"Ashton! Shut it.", Mrs Baler scolded. The boy put his hand over his mouth muffling his giggles. 'Fucking giggle you bastard' I thought.

"Lucas, do you know why Ashton giggled at you?",She said in a calm yet stern voice.

I stayed quite and fiddled with my pencil in embarrassment. Usually she just lets me sleep in the class ,because I can pick up my grade. But for some reason some one must've shoved a raccoon up her vagina and it had babies.

She walked up to me and slammed the pink slip on my desk.

"After school you will go to detention Mr. Hemmings.",She glared at me. I glanced at the clock and saw it was 5 mins till the bell. I grabbed my back pack and pulled out my phone to check my self.

"Lucas, no phones!",Mrs Baler snatched it from my fingers. "You will get this back after detention!". My mouth gaped open and my face red, I stood up and walked out of the room as soon as the bell rang.

Great a day with out my phone. A day with out my life.

/grrrrrr I'm so exited everyone !!!! My first fan fiction bruh. I Might not be good at this. It sounds fun though! If you write fan fiction....please message me. I need help with this. But ily all. And thanks for actually making me think I could do this.

~XOXO Amada 🍕🍕

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