Félix Mendelssohn's Concerto

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*Written by: Athena Guarda

The President

---> Robert looks at Abigail and Albert weirdly.

"Abigail, this is a mighty tall man."

"He quite is..." She said.

- Catherine and Francis was smiling because after all the suffering Albert has been through, he seems to found the one who can comfort his heart. Stephen, just staring there with jealousy sparking in his eyes. He then remembers all the good memories he and Evelyn made until her death appeared in his mind... Breathing heavily, Francis got worried at him because he wasn't responding to his questions.
"Stephen!" He said, "Stephen!!"
He is back in his wits.

*Written by: Vito Manigo

Félix Mendelssohn's Concerto

---> Meanwhile in Synolomynd of September 10, 1886.

- Ever since the death of the parents of Colby Salieri, He is now under the care of Jane's father, in other words, his grandfather. Since both of his parents died, he is going to have another concerto in the inn in honor for their death. The concerto is "Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E Minor". This is his mother's favorite piece for it was described as eventful by the tutti in the first movement. It starts in 5 hours, 6:00 P.M. Colby is the soloist, and since his father is obviously gone, a friend of Augustus will be replacing him, his godfather who is also a conductor. He was quite sad of this because his father is not the one conducting.

-   5 hours passes and it is now the start of the Concerto. As 6 o clock hits the clock there is no audience in sight, except there is two ladies and his grandfather. It was Margaret and Alice! What a surprise!? But Colby doesn't know them but when he looked at Margaret, he saw a little glimpse of Francis. Margaret does look a little like Francis.

(Yesterday, before the concert, in Alice and Margaret's household, the livint room)

*Margaret: Mother, since we are back in Synolomynd can we watch a concert? Any piece, conductor, and soloist can do!

*Alice: What made you want to watch a concert all of a sudden, dear?

*Margaret: Before we went to the fancy palace, I saw posters of someone going to play a concerto from a man with the last name 'Sibelius'. I wanna listen to a concert live!

*Alice: Alright then, I think we have enough money to buy tickets.

-  Alice looks around looking for a poster who will be playing a concert, until she saw one that a member of the Salieri family is going to play. Yet Alice is doesn't like the Salieris because of his granduncle and Colby's great grandfather's history. But this is the sake of her child's happiness, so family history or not, she bought a ticket for them.

[Back in the 1700's, (W.A) Mozart thought that (A) Salieri was a talentless no body. He was a talentless no body. (Don't attack me, I have Ling Ling Insurance) Salieri was overshadowed by Mozart. It was rumored that Salieri killed Mozart by poison and died at the young age of 35 while Salieri lived 'til his 70's.]

(Flashbacks ends, returning to present)

-  As soon as Colby saw them, He shed a tear of joy that someone is watching him play. Then the concerto starts.

-  The 1st movement Allegro molto appassionato starts, as always, the orchestra starts first as the soloist Colby now start playing his violin.

-  As every minute's pass by the more it sounds intense. Even if Colby is a kid, he played very remarkably and continue to entertain the audience.

-Mendelssohn's opening in the concerto E minor, you only have 2 seconds before coming in with the orchestra.

-  As every second pass the more of the emotion of the music changes. Coming from the violins and basses from the front ranging into flutes and timpani in the back. The tutti was the best.

[Tutti— all the instruments in an ensemble is playing all together]

-  13 minutes has pass and is now the start of the 2nd movement "Andante" starts. It starts as a slow tune; a minute passes Colby also starts playing.

-  The whole movement was slow and soft, because "Andante" Means 'moderately slow' or 'at walking pace'.

- The whole 2nd movement reminded him about his mother's hums.

-   As the movement ends with a soft sound, now starts the 3rd movement. "Allegretto non troppo - Allegro molto Vivace".

-  It begins with Colby playing fast and fun tune with his violin, while supported with other violins.

-  He is sweating because of how fast of the movement is. He stops as the orchestra takes over, then after a minute he plays his violin again.

-  As Margarets first time going to a concerto she is very Impressed and entertained. The whole third movement is based in a fast tune.

-  Nearing the end, the tune changes into a more lovely sound as everything is harmonized.

-  As its finishing the bow of the violin suddenly breaks, Colby notices this but he keeps playing because if he stops it will sound strange. Finally, 30 minutes in the concerto finally finishes.

-  Small sound of clapping can be heard as there is only three people as the audience. The orchestra and conductor, along with the soloist bows.

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