Chapter 8

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After few months of Slash and Axl's relationship announcement they now announced their engagement which made Vince angry and went to his book. He read a spell and thought of an idea then smiled.

"Perfect." Vince said.

Then he looked at the shrine he made of Axl and caressed a picture of him.

"Don't worry we'll be together soon." Vince said to the picture.

Meanwhile with Nikki and Tommy

Nikki and Tommy were talking about their wedding which was in two days.

"I can't believe we're finally gonna get married and the planning is done." Nikki said.

"I know babe it's gonna be so awesome I can't for you to be my husband." Tommy said as he kissed his fiancée's hand.

"Aww baby I can't wait for you to be my husband." Nikki said as he went to kiss his lips.

Nikki was gonna wear a black dress with a corset since he decided he wanted to and Tommy would wear a black tux with a tail coat since they wanted a kind of gothic theme.

They were gonna have black with lace tablecloths. Red and black roses for the flower arrangement and Nikki's bouquet. There cake was gonna have red roses and main color you guessed it black and some red glitter.

"Well baby all the stuff you wanted for our wedding is set and will be set the night before the wedding." Tommy said after getting off the phone with their wedding planner.

"I'm so glad that's over with I just hope everything goes perfectly." Nikki said.

"It will my love." Tommy said.

Nikki smiled at that and said "I can't wait to see what you'll wear."

"So do I." Tommy said.

They both kissed then cuddled while watching tv.

Two days later

Everyone was getting ready for the wedding. Nikki was getting into his dress with Vince's help.

"Ok it's time for the corset now I want you to tell me when it's too tight ok?" Vince said.

"Ok go ahead." Nikki said.

Vince started pulling the strings and Nikki yelped a little but silenced right away. Vince continued pulling until Nikki said stop.

"How do you feel?" Vince asked.

"Good my waist looks good and it shows my curves. Thanks Vince." Nikki said.

"No problem alright next part of the look. Hair and makeup." Vince said.

Nikki smiled and sat down. Vince started doing Nikki's hair while Nikki does his makeup.

After final touches, Nikki was ready and he grabbed his bouquet. Vince wished him luck and to his seat. He saw Axl and Slash sitting together holding hands which made his blood boil. He was about to do the spell he studied but Tommy then walked down the aisle with Nikki.

Everyone stood up and watched the couple walk towards the altar. They made it to the altar and the pastor started the ceremony.

"Everyone we're gathered here today to celebrate these two love for each other now if anyone opposes to this marriage speak now or forever hold your peace." The pastor said.

Everyone was silent. The pastor then told Nikki and Tommy to say their vows.

"Do you Tommy Lee Bass take Nikki Sixx to be your lawfully wedded husband to love and cherish for as long as you both shall live?" The pastor asked.

"I do." Tommy said.

"And do you Nikki Sixx take Tommy Lee Bass to be your lawfully wedded husband to love and cherish for as long as you both shall live?" The pastor asked.

"I do." Nikki said.

"And by the power invested me I now pronounce you two officially married you may kiss." The pastor said.

Tommy and Nikki kissed while everyone cheered. Nikki did a spell Paul taught him to make rose petals fall.

Later they partied at the reception, everyone was dancing and talking.

"Well it's that time of night for the newly weds to dance their first dance." The dj said.

He put on a song tommy wrote and had vince sing it.

"Tommy is this...?" Nikki asked about to tear up.

"Yes I wrote this song about you. Now let's dance my husband." Tommy said.

"Let's dance." Nikki said.

They started dancing and Nikki's emotions were starting to make his magic form a heart around him and his husband. Everyone awed thinking it was light effects.

At the end of the dance, Tommy dipped kissed Nikki. Nikki then made fireworks in the sky happen which made Tommy happy.

"I love you Nikki." Tommy said.

"I love you too Tommy." Nikki said.

They kissed again which they felt they could do forever.

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