Chapter 10

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Nikki was now about four months pregnant he has a bigger bump than he should.

"Aww honey look at your baby bump." Tommy said.

"I know my little baby is growing so big." Nikki said as he rubbed his bump.

"Well we gotta go to our appointment come on." Tommy said.

They got to the doctors and checked in. The nurse took them to a room with the ultrasound.

"Ok just lay here and dr smith will be in shortly." The nurse said.

Nikki did as he was told, after a few minutes dr smith came in.

"Alright let's take a look at the little one." Dr smith said.

Dr smith put the the goo on Nikki's bump then put the wand on top.

"Aww look here it looks like you're having twins." Dr smith said.

Nikki and Tommy looked at the screen shocked.

"Wait really?" Tommy asked still shocked.

"Yup see there's one and there's the other one." Dr smith said.

"Oh my god tommy baby we're having twins." Nikki said tearing up.

"Would you like to know the genders of them?" Dr smith asked.

"Yes please." Nikki and Tommy said.

"Well baby A is a boy." Dr smith said.

Tommy smiled at Nikki.

"And baby B is a girl." Dr smith said.

Nikki teared up up more.

"Well looks like your twins are healthy and at a good size for this time in the pregnancy. Now are there any concerns you have or any symptoms you have that's bothering you?" Dr smith said.

Nikki shook his head and with that dr smith printed pictures of the ultrasound and gave it to Nikki.

"I'll see you two in two weeks have a good day." Dr smith said.

They made their next appointment and went on their way home. After they got home Nikki started crying out of nowhere which made the room start raining and surprisingly wasn't making anything wet.

"Aww baby why are you crying?" Tommy asked.

"I'm just so happy we're having twins and they're a boy and a girl. My little angels are healthy and beautiful and sorry about the rain my hormones are making my magic more stronger than before." Nikki said as he cried.

"Aw Nikki it's okay and I know it makes me more excited for them to enter this world." Tommy said as he hugged his husband from behind.

Nikki then felt a kick. He quickly put his hand where he felt it and one of the babies kicked his palm and just like that the rain stopped.

"Honey one of them kicked here." Nikki said excitedly as he placed Tommy hand on his bump.

"Oh my god I felt it." Tommy said.

"Our babies are growing so fast." Nikki said starting to cry again then the rain came back.

"Aww come here." Tommy said as he went to hug his pregnant husband.

They hugged each other then kissed each other. Nikki started to have back pain and sat down well with help from tommy since even sitting down became harder to do for how heavy the twins are.

"Twins becoming heavy huh?" Tommy asked as he rubbed Nikki's baby bump.

"Yeah they're heavy. I mean I'm glad they're growing big and strong but they're making their mother uncomfortable." Nikki said.

"Aww well they better behave since now they got strong kicks or else their father is gonna have a talk with them." Tommy said as he still rubbed Nikki's bump.

Nikki giggled at what Tommy said. He always knew how to make him laugh.

"I'm getting hungry again honey can you get me some ice cream with pepperoni." Nikki said.

"Of course baby." Tommy said.

Tommy went to the kitchen to get what Nikki was craving. He went to the couch to give it to him.

"Here you go my love." Tommy said.

"Thank you honey bun." Nikki said.

He started eating the ice cream and moaned at how good it was then started tearing up.

"It's so good." Nikki said crying.

"Aww it's ok." Tommy said as he puts his arm around his pregnant husband.

"It shouldn't be this good." Nikki said crying harder.

The room started raining again.

"I'm sorry for making it rain again." Nikki said as he wiped his tears and eating his iced cream.

"It's ok luckily the rain doesn't get anything wet which is amazing and confusing at the same time." Tommy said.

"Yeah that's chaos magic for ya." Nikki said still tearing up over the ice cream.

Tommy chuckled at that and suddenly the rain stopped. Nikki was now smiling as he ate his ice cream.

"What's got you smiling beautiful?" Tommy asked.

"Just happy we're having a family and that it's with you." Nikki said.

"Aww me too baby." Tommy said then leaned in to kiss Nikki's cheek.

Later that night, they were sleeping in bed and Nikki was dreaming but it didn't feel like a dream and more like a vision of something. He heard a voice that sounded like a siren and being under the spell by a person who isn't who they are. He saw them look at him which made Nikki wake up scared.

"Hey you ok?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy i had a vision a bad vision someone we know is gonna do something idk what. My magic can feel it I can feel it." Nikki said.

Tommy comforted Nikki and cuddled him. Then kissed him.

"It's ok don't stress yourself about it right now our babies can feel it whatever will happen we'll protect each other I promise." Tommy said.

"Ok honey." Nikki said feeling comfort from Tommy. "I love you so much."

"I love you so much too." Tommy said.

They kissed each other and fell asleep cuddling. Whatever Nikki visioned it was something bad and worse someone he knew.

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