Chapter nine

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HER HAND REACHED. . . between a wall, a folder. Her hand fell on the name, her fingers tracing it. Before she rushed back to the hole, reaching with her arm through it as she gave John b the folder.

"That's not gold." Pope grunted.

Maxine climbed back through the hole, JJ lifting her back on the ground as she thanked him looking at John b.

John b looked at the folder, "Holy shit." He mumbled. "This is from my dad."

"Code red. Code red. Square groupers! Square groupers!" JJ alarmed the teens, grabbing a hold of Maxine's hand.

All the teens broke out in a run through the cemetery. "Go." Kie exclaimed. "It's the guys who robbed your house." JJ told John b.

They rushed behind the wall, "Light!" Dahlia warned. "Light." Pope repeated.

"Turn your light off, man!"

"John b? John b! Your light!" Maxine whisper yelled. JJ peeked around the corner of the wall, "Do you think it's them?" Kie asked.

"Homie's got a gun." JJ spouted.

"Screw this!" Maxine recoiled, before she broke out into a run. The rest of the teens running after her. They climbed over the gate, from the cemetery.

"Hurry up!"


"Guys! Guys!" Pope yelled, his trousers got in between as he couldn't move. "Shit." Kie cursed. "Guys, I'm stuck, I'm stuck."

"Pope, come on man!" JJ squeaked. Maxine cringed at this happening right now. "All right, guys.." Dahlia held out her arms, "I got you."

"No. Pope, don't move, okay?" JJ warned him drawing out his gun. "You're gonna rip me," as John b slapped the gun away from Pope.

"Wait. You're gonna rip me! You're gonna rip me!" Pope panicked, "You're fine. Come on!"

As his trousers were ripped apart. "Nice, dude!" JJ complimented him, as he ran after them in his boxers. "It's a little Tootsie Roll."

Maxine burst out laughing, "Come on!" As they kept on running towards the Twinkie. JJ sliding it open, "Get in!" JJ told him. "Stupid!" Dahlia chuckled, as her, Kie and Max followed inside of the van. Sliding the door shut again.


"That bread had mild on it three days ago." The Heyward told the blonde. "I'll just pull off the bad parts." JJ responded, earning a disgusted look from the girls.

"Plus, mold is good for you. It's just a natural organism." Maxine rolled her eyes, "JJ!" She called as he came jogging towards them.

"Yup, yup, yup! Hot damn! Let's do it." Taking a bite from the sandwich he gagged instantly, as he spit it out in his hand.

Maxine paused looking at him, before her eyes trailed back to the folder who John b was opening. As he opened up the map inside of it, there was a whole map from the island. "Holy shit." Kie exclaims.

"Oh. X marks the spot." Pope said pointing towards the X. "Longitude, latitude. Wait, there's something else in there."

They all stared at the tape recorder in John B's hand, "What's that?" JJ asked, asking the question all of them already knew. "It's a tape recorder, idiot." Maxine told him.

John b started the recorder, "Dear bird." Big John's voice started. "Who's bird?" JJ asked.

"That's what my dad called me." John b said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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