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Chan was confused and curious to know more about Wonwoo. So he decided make sure that his pretty hyung gets comfortable and open up with him.

At the dining table
Mingyu sitting at the head chair, Wonwoo was sitting beside him. Chan pouted "pretty hyung, can ask something ?" "Go ahead" Wonwoo nods "can please feed me, pretty please" Mingyu rolled his eyes "You are old enough to feed yourself" he said bit rudely.

Chan got bit sad by the tone, he begins to eat by himself. Wonwoo felt bad, he kicks Mingyu's leg under the table without letting Chan know.

"Come here let me feed you" Chan got brighten and sat near him. Mingyu slightly groaned and was about give a glare to Wonwoo but instead he received one.

"You know Chan, I also have an elder brother, he's also rude and cold to me...I think all the elder siblings are cold asses...what do you think ?" This phrase sting Mingyu so hard, Chan takes the first bite from Wonwoo "agreed hyung"

Mingyu became sulky, since Chan came Wonwoo isn't giving him an attention. "Yahh, are you both mocking me ? Do I even exist ?" Chan giggle "what if we are and talking about your existence, we know you exist cause that huge body of yours makes you visible" Mingyu made a fake sad puppy face.

"Ewww hyung, I thought you left these type of things" Mingyu glare at the younger.

Chan was happily eating. He felt the warmth which he lacked since his parents death, he controlled his tears "you can cry if you want"
"How do you know ?" Wonwoo smiled and Mingyu quietly observing "when you miss someone very special person in your life, eyes always gets teary"

Chan suddenly Wonwoo "I-I miss my parents" Wonwoo pats Chan's back "I'm here". After sometimes, when Wonwoo felt Chan is asleep so he turns around to see Mingyu. Mingyu left from there much earlier, Wonwoo carried Chan to his room and laid him down on the bed.

He every where for Mingyu but didn't found him.
Wonwoo decided check Mingyu's room, he enters and saw. . . .

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