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Air became think and cold, suddenly the phone rang up. Wonwoo and Cheolyoon flinched "Wonie, it's an unknown number" Cheolyoon checks the caller ID

She hands the phone over to Wonwoo
"Hello ? Who's this ?"

"I'm an event manager from Bvlgari" Wonwoo in disbelief

"How may I help you ?"

"Am I talking to Mr.Hong Wonwoo ?"


"I wanted to inform you that we need you to capture every moment of Fashion show" Wonwoo smiled heartily

"Oh I love to provide my service, when is the event held on ?"

"It's after three days and We also invite your husband as guest of honor, we would appreciate if you join us after show grand party" His smile turns bitter

"Okay I will set my trained photographer"

"And one more thing...we personally want you to click photos of the Ambassador, You would be paid 89,000 dollars for that" Wonwoo's eyes widened, it was two times of his six photos

"I'm fine with that, I'll sincerely do my best"
Wonwoo hangs up. He was super excited, he turns to Cheolyoon who busy checking photo for magazine.

"Yoonie I have a great news" Cheolyoon looks at Wonwoo with confused eyes "I'm hired as photographer for Bvlgari fashion event, before I used to visit as Shua's husband but as Hong Wonwoo"

Cheolyoon could observe Wonwoo's overwhelm expressions "I'm soo freaking happy for you, while you both are gone I would stay with my baby siblings"

"Are you sure ?" Wonwoo seemed worried "I'll take care of them don't worry" Wonwoo smiled
"Thank you Yoonie"

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