For Starters

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"[Name]! Hello!" one of the kids exclaimed seeing him. "Hii Asa~hina!" [Name] yelled with his signature wide smile. [Name] lived in an orphanage. Unlike most, or others, this one was actually nice.

They had a play ground. They also got clubs for kids interest. They teach them and help them learn. The caretakers are nice as well.

Though, most kids there did not like [Name]. Thought he was too annoying. But most loved him because he was so pure and kind. "[Name]! Over here!" [Name] looked in the direction of the voice to see his friend since he got to the orphanage.

He ran over and climbed onto the sit and sat next to him. "Hey [Name], are you excited about today?" [Name] kept his smile as he nodded to the males question. "You think I'd get picked Yohara?" [Name] asked the boy now known as Yohara.

Yohara nodded. "Mhm! You're just what any parent wants!" [Name] smiled as Yohara slightly pinched his chubby cheek.

Soon enough breakfast was served and everyone ate happily and heartily.


"[Name]! Do you want help being pushed on the swing?" Yohara asked the boy struggling to get air time. [Name] pouted at the thought of needing help. He wanted to be like those big kids that pushed themselves.

He sighed nodding at the older boy. Yohara laughed at the boys pout. As the boys kept playing and talking. "Yohara!" One of the boys yelled. They both looked back, Yohara stopped the swing.

"Oh hey Zashi. What's up?" Yohara asked the boy walking up to them. "You wanna come see the visitor with me and the others?"

"Oh sure, come on [Name] let-"

"Oh no, uh. [Name] can't come with us." [Name] tilted his head. Why couldn't he go with? "Why not? I'm sure he'll behave."

"That's not it.. It's just. . . . He's annoying and weird. Let's just go and leave him here." Zashi said tugging at Yohara's sleeve trying to get him to leave. Yohara snatched his hand away. "Well I don't wanna go without [Name]"

[Name]'s smile seemed to get brighter when he said that. "Ugh, why do you have to always just stay with him. There's other kids to be with. Hang out with them."

Is he serious? Why is he so mean? "Well [Name] has been here since he was a 1 year old. He needs this amount of love and attention."

"Yeah well he's 5 now. He'll be alright." Yohara looked at [Name] and [Name] tilted his head. Then he smiled as if saying it was ok.

But Yohara won't take that type of disrespect. "Yeah well, you have friends and your 7 so you can go by yourself. Can't you?" Zashi huffed with an angry expression on his face.

He gritted his teeth and stormed off. "You could go."

"No its ok I want to stay with you."

[Name]'s somewhat sad face turned into a bright smile. Yohara always said that his smile is as bright as the sun.

"Hello there." They turned to see the visitor. "Hi." Yohara said politely. "What are your names?" she asked them. "I'm Yohara!" "[Name]!"

The woman chuckled at the youngers enthusiasm and cuteness. "Nice to meet the both of you, my names Tamayo."

"Your pretty!" [Name] said raising his hands. The lady named Tamayo laughed slightly. "Thank you, you are very handsome yourself."

"Did you want to adopt one of us?" The lady hummed in confusion. "One of you? Are you two not siblings? Why adopt one when I can adopt two." She explained with a soft smile.

[Name] slightly gasped at that. If this lady becomes his mom and gets both him and Yohara he will get Yohara as a brother finally! He was ecstatic at that idea. "Oh we aren't siblings. Sorry for the confusion." Yohara apologized.

"Oh, well you two sure could be." Tamayo said patting [Name]'s head. "Can us both be adopted!" [Name] asked happily. If he was a puppy his little tail would be wagging. "Well I can't promise that it'll be you two but if it is with fate I shall."

Yohara nodded while [Name] pouted. He wanted a mom and siblings now though. "Oh, well I better be going. I will see you two." 


"Bye bye" 

Yohara looked over to see a sad [Name]. He patted his head. "It's ok [Name] you still have a chance to get adopted. She said she would come back." [Name] sighed. "Ok then." 

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"Wanna play tag?" Yohara smiled at the boy's mood shift. "Sure, let's do it." 

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