Troubles pt.2

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[Name] jumped waking up from his thoughts. He felt the thud next to him. . It must be getting closer. . [Name] wanted to leave but didn't want to disobey the lady. But seeing as the lady didn't come back yet and he couldn't hear the monster, it must be bad.

But. . he'll just peek out to check. [Name] climbed out of the box and walked out of the alley. He looked left and right he didn't see the monster.

But he did see a crowd of people. Maybe it's a trap? He did hear yelling. So he did what anyone would do and went the other way.

He wants to go find Yohara and his toy cat. So he walked around trying to find his way into this new world.

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[Name] walked sluggishly now. . He was tired and wanted to eat. Yohara would've picked him up and carried him. . . . But Yohara isn't here right now. [Name] sighed and sat down.

He was exhausted and wanted to be home. Oh how he wish he had his backpack. . If he had held onto it maybe it wouldn't be trapped in the rubble of the once standing café.

[Name] wanted to tear up in thought of going back home and spending time with Yohara. . .

If only he listened to Yohara then Zashi wouldn't have thrown him out. As if the world was in spite of him. . . It started to rain.

[Name] ran for cover under the outside table umbrella of one of the restaurants nearby. Now he really wanted to go back home because now he's cold.

Before he could think of something else he saw a man with an umbrella walking with a bag in his free hand. [Name] looked at the man smelling the foods he had in the bag.

Maybe if he were to ask nicely he could ask for some food. [Name] hoped down from the table grabbing a menu to put over his head, and followed the food victim.

Slowly but surely he followed him waiting for the moment he could ask the question. Though he didn't find it. .

Like a little duckling, though, he waddled behind following him.

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He even snuck into the hero'a house. . . Now, it's not his fault he doesn't know that's not supposed to happen.

To be fair though it was kind of like a game of not to get caught. He would take the snacks and pay him back in. . . Uh. . .

More food? He's not sure.

[Name] climbed onto the counter using a chair. He searched for the cabinet with snacks. With help and sounding things out he found the cookie box.

He sat on the counter opening the box and started to eat the cookies. He perked up when he heard a "meow". He looked down to see a black cat with blue eyes peering up at him.

He titled his head, and the cat followed. The cat meowed again. [Name] thought the cat was hungry and tried to give it a cookie but the cat declined.

The cat meowed again scratching the bottom cabinet. [Name] slowly and carefully climbed down the counter and opened the cabinet that the cat scratched at.

The cat meowed happily. [Name] pulled out a bag with a cat on it, reached into the bag and pulled out a treat. He handed it to the cat and he ate it happily.

Both the cuties ate their treats happily. Soon the [h/c] was full and ready to sleep.

[Name] yawned and walked off to the couch to sleep. He lied there and got comfortable. The cat lied on him bringing him warmth.

Little [Name] lightly snored cuddling the cat. . . He dreamed of being back home with Yohara.

Hopefully the hero wouldn't find the little boy sleeping in his house.

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Aizawa woke up and got ready to go to work. .

[Name] was still sleeping on the couch. The cat kept tapping him trying to get him to wake up.

The cat heard that Aizawa was walking towards the little boy. The cat tried to keep him away from the child. "Why are you being so difficult today? Are you hungry?"

[Name] woke up with a yawn and sat up. Only to see the hero in the next room being distracted by the little kitty.

[Name] got scared because the hero looked angry.

He decided to hide. . in the bathroom. Bad choice, yeah. But did he really know anywhere else to go?


[Name] looked up to see the hero stare down at him. The cat tilted his head as if saying "well, i tried."

[Name] sprinted out of the bathroom passing the hero and he ran as fast as he could. . So fast!

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

That he wasn't moving. At all. Was he that fast? Once he stopped running he realized something was wrapped around him. . Aizawa sighed picking up the kid.

"So you were following me?" [Name] looked at him almost surprised that he would assume such a thing. [Name] shook his head.

"No no! I was walking with you to ask you a question." It wasn't wrong. But still bad.

Aizawa face palmed and carried the boy downstairs. . [Name] was scared for what would happen next. Aizawa put on his shoes and walked out the house.

While walking [Name] was put down and walked next to him. "Where are we going?" [Name] asked the hero. "The police station, you need to find your parents."

[Name] thought. . Does the worker ladies count as parents then?

"Mister, I don't parents. ."

Aizawa stopped. . "You don't have. . parents?"

[Name] shook his head no. Aizawa sighed. "Still we have to find your guardian." He said starting to walk again. [Name] jogged to keep up with him.

"A guardian?"

"Someone who looks after you."

"Then, the worker ladies?"

"I. . guess so?"

. . . . . .

Hm, ok then. [Name] happily skipped along with Aizawa happy to find the place he grew up in.

He would finally see Yohara again!

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Yohara looked at the busted up backpack on the ground.

"[Name]. . . . I hope your alright."

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