To let go pt.2

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[Name] and Yohara talked so much Yohara was worried that [Name]'s throat was gonna get sore.

"Then that's how my arm got like this." Yohara watched as Yashiro kissed his teeth. Scoffing..

[Name] immediately took a liking to Yahiro. He liked his hair and his radiated coolness. Yes to [Name] Yashiro radiated coolness.

Meanahile the adults were taking. .

"So you're [Name]'s guardian?"

"Well I had only just gotten the papers legalaized the day before [Name] went missing." She then looked at Aizawa.

"And I would like to thank you for taking such good care of [Name]. He seems to like you!" She said laughing at the end.

Aizawa just stayed silent and nodded at her words.


"Ya so that how I met Dadzawa! And we call him dadzawa cause the students thought it was cute!"

Yohara was smiling the whole time [Name] was talking, he really missed him.

"I see. . So those were your adventures huh? Very cool! Sorry I wasn't there for your birthday though.."

"It's ok Yohara! I know that if you could you would be here.."

Yohara was sad but smiled solemn at the boy anyways. "At least you've made new friends, right?"

[Name] smiled brightly. "Mhm!"


"Ah, so you want [Name] to come live with you... Well you did sign the papers. So you are able to. When do you want to have him move in?"

Aizawa could only stay some what silent during the conversation. If he didn't he was sure that something would've slipped that shouldn't. . . .

He would lie to anyone that asked that he was sad that [Name] wouldn't be living with him anymore.

That's why he wanted to leave the child with his guardian so he couldn't get too close..


Yohara was thinking. . . He thought a lot.

"What's up with you?" Yohara slightly jumped. He turned. "Oh Yashiro. . It's you. Did you want something?"

"Somethings wrong with you and I'm asking what's wrong?"

Yohara stayed silent. . .

Yashiro observed the boy. . "Is it about [Name]?" Yashiro could see that Yohara slightly flinched when he said that.

"It's just. . He talks so well about. . . . About the people he's met and the person who took him in."

. . . .

"When he comes to live with us he won't be as close to them." . . . . .

"I want [Name] to be happy. . With me or without me. . Maybe. . . perferably with me..."

Yashiro nodded to himself. "Well he is going to be visiting them."

"But. . I feel like it won't be enough.."

Yashiro looked at Yohara, then away.


"Of course I will be letting [Name] come visit you, Mr. Shota. After all he's grown so close to you!"

Though he wanted to argue back he didn't. . .

He couldn't..

What would Aizawa's life be without [Name]?

Did he even remember the way his life was without him?

"Shota? Shota? Are you ok?"


[Name] hummed happily waiting for Yohara to come back. . And Yashiro of course-.

He wondered. . . What if Yohara could come live with dadzawa and him?! [Name] liked that idea. He would ask dadzawa about it!

Though Yohara told him to stay because the adults were talking. He would forget if he waited so long!

So he got up and went to look for dadzawa and the nice pretty lady.


"So it's settled. [Name]'s legal guardian is Ms. Tamayo who he will live with from now on. And he'll move in 3 days."


The three looked towards the small child. His head was tilted as he stood in the hallway. 

"Dad? Where are we moving?"

He wasn't supposed to hear that. .

Yohara then came into the room looking for [Name]. . Something happened he could tell. .

Why didn't [Name] stay put?







"Yashiro~! You really care!"

"Shut up-... I'm doing this because you couldn't properly tend to your wound yourself."

"Is that another way for saying you care?"

"Do you want me to smash your face intk the wall?"


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