Actual birthday

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[Name] was so excited for his birthday that he tried to stay up until 12:00 am. Well. . key word. . . tried to, he ended up falling asleep and Aizawa carried him to bed. So this morning he woke up a little later than expected. . [Name] got out of bed yawned, rubbed his eyes and walked downstairs. . 

With a sleepy look on his face he walked into the kitchen where he smelt eggs being made. "Good morning [Name]. You look as if your still asleep.." Aizawa said patting [Name]'s head. [Name] only grunted in response. He raised up his arms waiting to be picked up. He didn't feel like climbing onto the chair by himself today. He was tired. . . 

Aizawa only smiled and did as [Name] wanted. Aizawa went back to preparing plates for breakfast. Zach hopped up on the chair and sat next to [Name]. . Putting the plate of food in front of [Name] Aizawa almost laughed, the poor boy didn't even remember it was his birthday today. Too tired for that, I guess.

But luckily [Name] noticed the "Happy Birthday" writing on the pancakes. . At first he tilted his head in confusion. Then he made a small gasp and looked up to Aizawa smiling excitedly. Aizawa nodded at the boy as if confirming that it is indeed his birthday. "YAAAY! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" the little boy was practically jumping up and down in his seat. 


"Uhm, depends on the gift. ." 


"That's a little bit much. ." 


Aizawa raised his brow at the boy's sudden stop. . "Just like the one. . . Yohara and I wanted to make. . ." [Name] was no longer smiling happily neither did his eyes shine as bright. . He missed Yohara a bunch. 

His birthday was full of memories with Yohara. But he couldn't make more with him because he didn't know where he was. . 

Aizawa saw how sad the boy was and pat his head ruffling it a little. "It'll be ok [Name]. You'll see your friend again soon. We'll find him, I promise." [Name] looked up at Aizawa he almost started to cry a bit but. . . he smiled. "You pinky promise?" he asked putting out his pinky in front of him. 

Aizawa did the same and they held pinkies. . "I promise." 

[Name] nodded turning back into his usual sunshine demeanor. 

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When Aizawa and [Name] pulled up to the school [Name] was in more chipper mood than usual. Saying hi to everyone passing by, making most students hearts explode with cuteness. Well, hopefully not literally. 

Stepping into the classroom all the students, most of them, yelled "SURPRISE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY [NAME]!" [Name] smiled at the students. The classroom was decorated very nicely, there were snacks and food most importantly cake! It was 3 tiers! 

[Name] never had such a big birthday cake before. "Thanks everyone!" 

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Everyone enjoyed the party. . They played games, ate food and watched movies. [Name] talked about Yohara the whole time. He talked about their promises and things. . Which the others tried to fulfil the younger boys wishes because it was his birthday. They built a huge sandcastle with him. They did some form of laser tag and the rest they'll have to try another time. 

Now it was time for the birthday cake. [Name] knew what he would wish for. He already thought about it the day before. He still couldn't fully decide but he would wish for what was on his brain. 

[Name] closed his eyes saying his wish in his head. . then blowing out the candle on top of the cake. Kirishima put down [Name]. . "So, [Name] what did you wish for?" 

"You can't ask that, it won't happen if he tells!" 

"That's stupid! He can tell at least one person!"

"What'd you wish for?"

[Name] giggled and put his finger over his mouth. "It's a secret!" 

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[Name] was very tired after all that. . He fell asleep in the car. . . Aizawa carried him to the house door. . not before bumping into someone. "Ah- sorry about that. It's just so dark out here." 

"It's ok, really. I understand." 

"Oh, maybe you could help me. I'm looking for a child you see." Aizawa stood waiting for the woman to continue. "He's 7 years old, has blonde hair and dark purple eyes. He also has a birthmark of a crow on his forehead. Have you seen him?" 

"Unfortunately no, I haven't." 

"Oh, that's ok. . But if you have please take this." the woman handed him a paper. "It has my phone number and name on it." Aizawa nodded taking the paper. "I will contact you if anything." 

"Thank you." she said walking away now. . 

Aizawa put the paper in his pocket. He would check it out when he got inside. 

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"So did you find him yet?"

"No. . If he would've waited I could've searched with him." 

"Hmph. I still don't understand why you needed to adopt. I don't want siblings anyways." 

A black haired woman laughed at the boy patting his head. "Oh Yashiro no need to be jealous! There's enough love for you and your siblings!" The boy, now known as Yashiro, flushed. . "I'm not jealous! It's just- I like being an only child." 

The woman hummed not believing the words of the child. "Still though, we should help find both Yohara and [Name]. Don't you agree?"

Yashiro stayed silent for a while. .. folding his arms with a sigh. "Yeah. ." 

Sunshine(Bnha x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now