Head Over Heels

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Just fiction, and couldn't think if any other freaking companies. I'm too lazy right now to think of different shit. bleh.


I watched him from across the cafe, drinking his coffee and working on his laptop. He was breathtakingly gorgeous.

His dark brown hair slicked back with gel it looks like and his black rimmed glasses brought out his dark brown eyes.

For the past month, there he sits. Every single day. He doesn't stay long, just an hour or so. The freakishly tall man with light brown hair and blue eyes always comes in and they leave together, smiling and laughing.

I followed them once, just out of curiosity. I wanted to know who the other man was. Why he always comes in here and takes the other away from me.

They got in a black car, Ford Focus to be exact, and I followed them back to an apartment building. The tall man got of first and waited for the other, and they walked hand in hand into the building.

My heart shattered.

I drove home angry after that.

And the next day I waited and waited for him to arrive at the cafe. He did.

With his glasses and his laptop, a black t-shirt and jeans. He ordered the same coffee he always orders and I watched him walk to the same table he occupies every morning. I contemplated whether or not I should approach him.

I didn't.

But today is different. I can feel it. Something is pulling me to talk to him.

So I did.

I picked up my paper cup and gingerly walked over to his table, smiling a friendly smile and I cleared my throat. He looked up, his eyes meeting mine for the first time ever and I could have melted right there.

"Can I help you?" He slightly closed his laptop and leaned back in his chair.

"Can I?" I asked, motioning to the chair that was opposite of him. The tall man shouldn't be here for another forty five minutes. I've timed these things. I'm prepared.

He nodded and I pulled the chair out from the table and sat down.

"Do I know you?" He proceeded to ask.

Not yet, you don't.

"No," I smiled. "I'm Ryan." I held a hand out and he slowly placed his own in mine.

"Brendon." He said.

Brendon. It suits him.

"Well, Brendon," I took my hand back, not wanting to seem too eager to have held it. "I see you in here all the time and I know it may sound a bit creepy, but I can't help but admire you."

Brendon's eyebrows furrowed and sat up a little straighter.

"Oh?" He said. "So you watch me every day? Is that what you're saying?"

"I admire you. It's different than watching."

Brendon laughed.

"And what is it about me that you're admiring?"

"Everything," I answered quickly. "your hair, your eyes, your smile. Your body language."

"So you must be admiring me enough to know that I have a boyfriend, correct?" Brendon crossed his arms over his chest, smirking.

"Yes," I answered, looking down at the table. "and I can assure you that he isn't right for you."

"Excuse me?"

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