Hello, Berlin

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This was originally titled Lie To The Truth, you know, The Young Veins song, and it was only supposed to be a one shot story.
But I obviously changed the title and it's not going to be a one shot.


Brendon relaxed halfway through the flight and actually enjoyed himself.

"So how many times have you flown in this thing?" He asked, sipping his champagne.

"Just a handful of times."

"You said you've been all over the world, and you've only flown a handful of times?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"In this jet, yeah." I smiled.

"Smart ass," he laughed. "I meant altogether."

"Jeez, um. I don't know, honestly. A lot." Brendon nodded and looked back out the window. I've never seen someone get so excited to look down at the earth from the sky. I wasn't even that excited. He said everything looks like they're in squares.

"This is nice," he said looking back at me. "getting away from home. Away from work and away from Dallon."

"But I thought you were happy?" I mocked.

"I am happy. It just get really stressful at times, especially when I've got to do everything on my own. Dallon works, but I bring in most of the money and I always clean and cook. He just sits back and watches TV, drinking his beer and doing whatever he wants." He sighed. "Like, I'm not complaining about doing any of that, I enjoy it. But we're not married and I'm definitely not a goddamn housewife. I'd appreciate it if he did something for me for a change. But that's like asking him for an arm and a leg. It'll never happen. Unless I bribe him."

I shook my head, disappointed in what I'm hearing.

"What do you mean bribe him?" I asked curiously.

"This one time, I bought him concert tickets to some band I'd never heard of, but he likes them a lot, so I asked him to clean the house and make dinner for once. He did, partially. Drove me crazy to find everything out of place and shoved in drawers. And another time, I told him we could go to his favorite diner, but all he did was run the dishwasher." Brendon shook his head with a small smile on his face.

"I'd never do that to you." I told him honestly.

"What? Bribe me?"

"No, smart ass, I'd never make you do everything on your own." I laughed and Brendon smiled. "You deserve to be treated like you're the only person that matters in this world."

"Well, we can't have everything, can we?" Brendon sighed and downed the rest of his champagne.

"Mr. Ross, we're almost ready for landing." Gary said.

"Alright." I got in my seat and buckled him and Brendon did too.

The jet landed and there was a car waiting for us when we got off.

"So where are we going?" Brendon asked.

"A hotel, remember?" Brendon nodded and we got in the car and the driver drove us to one of the finest hotels in Berlin.

"Wow," Brendon stared at the building in shock. "this is huge. Is it made out of diamonds?" I laughed and shook my head.

We went inside and I booked us a room with one bed. But Brendon doesn't know what.

The elevator took us to the tenth floor and Brendon followed me down the hall to the room. I opened the door and turned the lights on.

"Ryan," Brendon said. I hummed in response. "there's only one bed."

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