I Do

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It's the day of the wedding and Brendon and I are at the chapel, in separate rooms and I'm dying to see him. Jon has been helping me get ready and Spencer is supposed to be with Brendon, doing the same

"Am I supposed to be this nervous?" I ask Jon, fixing my hair in the mirror.

"How should I know?" He deadpans. "I've never been married."

"Thanks for stating the obvious." I laughed and then there was a knock on the door.

Jon opened the door and Spencer walked in. They shared a quick kiss and Spencer looked over at me.

"Brendon wants to see you." He says. "But I told him no. Because it's bad luck."

"Is everything okay? Why does he want to see me?" I walked across the room to where Jon and Spencer were standing, worried about why Brendon wants to see me. What if he wants to call off the wedding?

"Everything's fine. He just wanted to see you since he hasn't since yesterday." I sighed in relief and sat down, waiting for the chapel director to come get us.


The wedding was short and fast and before I knew it, I was walking down the aisle with Brendon by my side, wedding rings on our fingers and smiles on our faces. Once we got out of view of people, he pushed me into the room where he spent most of the day and locked the door behind us.

Our lips were moving together and our hands were roaming each other all over the place. Brendon's cock was hard in my hand, underneath the fabric of his slacks, so I unbuttoned them and pulled them down.

"You're not wearing underwear?" I whispered against his lips.

"Why would I be? They would have come off anyway." He replied, a smirk on his lips.

I grinned and pressed my lips back on his. Brendon kept bucking his hips into me, trying his hardest to rub himself on my hand. I pulled away from him and he looked like a complete mess. Desperate to be fucked.

"You know they're expecting us at the lake for the photoshoot." I said a little out of breath. "And then we have to get to the reception."

"So you got me all worked up just to turn me down?"

"Sorry baby," I grinned. "but we get the next two weeks to ourselves. We can do whatever we want." I lowered my voice as I stepped back in front of Brendon, letting my hand gently touch his cock before I pulled his slacks back up and buttoned them. 

"You're mean." Brendon pouted and I kissed his bottom lip.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


"Would the newly weds please make their way to the dance floor?" The DJ said into the microphone. Brendon took my hand and eagerly ran to the dance floor with me behind me. "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mr. Ross' first dance as a married couple." The lights dimmed and the song played, and Brendon and I held each other as we moved together on the dance floor. There were flashes from cameras and people talking quietly to each other, but Brendon was the only thing I was focused on. He looked absolutely gorgeous.

"We're married." He smiled, pecking my lips lightly.

"We are." I said, smiling back at him. 

"Do you still feel like we rushed?" He asked me quietly. I shook my head and smiled bigger.

"Hell no." I pulled him closer to me and he rested his head on my shoulder. "I love you baby." 

"I love you more." 


This is the last chapter for this story. I'm beyond bored with it ):

Maybe I'll make a sequel later on.

Thanksssssss for reading.

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