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"I have to go now." Brendon chuckled against my lips.

"No," I whined, tightening my grip on him. "just stay. You don't have to leave."

"If I don't get home now, world war three and four will happen." Brendon got out of my grip and pulled on his clothes and fixed his hair.

"Do you know how stupid this is?" I said flatly.

"Yeah. I do."

"Then why keep doing it? It's been going on for a week and you still say you need to think about things. You can't be with both of us." I sighed. Brendon finished gathering his things and he came to the side of my bed.

"Calm down. Just give me a little more time to... I don't know yet. But I'll figure things out." He bent over and kissed me, smiling as he stood back up. "I'll see you later."

He walked out of my room and closed the door behind him.

I hope Dallon smells all the sex on Brendon.


Is it bad that I make excuses for Brendon to come over?

Nah, didn't think so.

I'd just walked into the kitchen when he stepped off of the elevator.

"What could possibly be so important at twenty minutes to midnight?" He was wearing pajamas and his hair was damp.

"I could be dying. There could be a fire. You weren't here. Someone could have broke in -"

"It's because I wasn't here?" He raised an eyebrow and put his hands on his hips.

"Maybe." I smiled.

"Ryan, I can't keep doing this. Dallon knows something is up, he said he's going to track my phone and pull up my calls and text records."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. And that's the guy you wanna be with? What the fuck, Brendon?" I walked past him, no longer interested in what I had planned for the night.

"How do you expect me to just walk out on the person I love?" He said raising his voice.

"If you loved him so much, you wouldn't keep having sex with me. You wouldn't do half the shit you do with me if you fucking loved him, so I don't wanna hear it. It's bullshit." 

"I can't love someone and have feelings for someone else? It's your fault, anyway. You come walking into my life with your stupid smile and your stupid hair and your stupid clothes that you only wear once, and you take me somewhere in a private jet and you're nice to me and... I loved him first."

"Fine." I pulled my jacket on and grabbed a pair of car keys. "Fine! If that's how it's gonna be, whatever. I won't chase you."

"What are you doing?" Brendon asked. I slipped my shoes on and snatched my phone from the counter. 

"Leaving. What's it look like?"

"This is your house, why are you leaving?" 

"I'm gonna go get fucked up. That's why I'm leaving." I got on the lift and the doors closed before Brendon could get in. Why did I leave him in my loft?

The car I gave to Brendon was parked next to the one I was driving. I scoffed and got in my car and drove to the bar.


I've had about eight shots by now and a few beers. And a glass of whiskey. I feel fucking amazing. Maybe I could get lucky and find someone to take back to a motel room. I'm hot. I have a lot of money. And I'm not in a relationship. Fuck relationships! And fuck Brendon! God, I'd love to fuck him right now. I'd fucking love to spread his ass cheeks apart and -

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