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     In a stroke of genius, October had decided to multitask - going food shopping whilst calling Elijah

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In a stroke of genius, October had decided to multitask - going food shopping whilst calling Elijah. Phone held against her ear with a basket in the other. She had to either put the basket on the floor or use her shoulder to keep her phone from falling when she reached to grab something but, overall, the plan worked pretty well. Two birds with one stone. He immediately asked about her and what she had been up to. She laughed, her days much more boring than his but he didn't seem to mind.

It had been their last show yesterday, the grand finale in London - he was telling her about it after she had asked. She knew it was important so she paid more attention to him, forgetting to buy sugar for Maeve's tea (at least she had an excuse).

She was now walking home - the supermarket wasn't far away from their apartment and she preferred to walk anyway. She didn't understand people who drove instead of walking for ten minutes - she assumed walking would actually be faster. Maybe she was just trying to justify her hatred for driving.

Now, instead of a basket in the other hand, she carried a shopping bag - though she almost dropped it when Elijah told her the news. She was sure that the cars driving past were laughing at her shocked expression, "You're joking, you've got to be taking the piss.", she gasped in reply.

"Deadly serious.", he replied - laughing at her reaction, not being able to see it but clearly hearing the surprise in her voice; he didn't need to be able to see her to picture the look on her face.

He was with Anaïs, always trying to spend time together when they were in the same location. They had spent the day getting lunch and talking. Walking around shops and hanging out. Catching up - which included Elijah telling her about October.

He had talked about her before, telling her how she was the one who came up with the band name and how she used to help out during practises. Even if Elijah didn't mention October then Anaïs still would've heard about her from Rob - who mentioned her whenever he could. Which, at the time, was torturous for Elijah. Hearing the 'really funny joke she had made' or the horror story from work she had told him.

Anaïs had asked Elijah why she hadn't met her before and he admitted that she didn't like him very much - not telling her the real reason, but letting her know that they weren't on good terms. He figured she was able to read between the lines (she could).

She didn't know for sure if they used to date or if Elijah just had a crush on her, but it was obvious from how he danced around the subject that it was more than just 'really close friends' (his words and her first clue to there being more to the story). She had tried to question him about it when he had first mentioned October to her. Asking why they weren't friends anymore, trying to subtly find out, but he was good at avoiding.

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