Chapter 3

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When I arrive back to my home Prim is already awake and is eating breakfast at the kitchen table. She looked at me when I had opened the door and I could sense that she was worried about me.
"Morning Little Duck" I say
"Morning" she says turning her attention to her plate of food in front of her. I see that she made me some breakfast too and I want to say that she didnt have to do that but I know she would reply with a 'Yes. I did.' so instead I say something else that may start up a conversation other then a conversation about me.
"What'd you make for breakfast?" I ask her
"Bacon, eggs, pancakes and toast" she says simply while stuffing her mouth with bacon.
"Is there any peanut butter left?" I say
I remember while on the way to my first games the attendant gave me toast with a creamy golden brown substance on the top for breakfast. I later found out that I loved the way it tasted and I ate it all the time from then on.
"It's in the top shelf over there" Prim says, interrupting my thoughts, while pointing At the top cupboard. I get up to get the peanut butter when there's a knock on the door. I turn to see Prim looking at me with a questioningly look. I slowly walk over to the door and open it to find two Capitol men in black suits.
"Yes?" is the only thing I can seem to muster
"Miss Everdeen? You have a very important person who would like to speak with you" One of the guards says
Both guards step slightly to the side and that's when I feel my throat suddenly go dry when I see him in a crisp, white suit with a blood red rose in his pocket. Big puffy lips that grimace at the sight of me. I'm staring into the snake like eyes of President Snow.

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