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3rd person pov

It was a cold stormy night, Xfrisk was laying in bed, he couldn't sleep because of the thunder. Xfrisk sighed, then got off of his bed. He goes to see if Xchara is awake. When he got to the bed, he wasn't there...Xfrisk looked worried. "...chara? Where are you...?" Xfrisk said, looking around the room, he then leaves the room, to see if Xchara is in the kitchen. As Xfrisk was walking to the kitchen, he heard something from outside, he slowly walked to the front door, opening it...when he goes outside, he sees Xchara...with a knife....everyone was dead. Xfrisk was scared...Xchara killed everyone...? "Chara...?!" Xfrisk shouted as Xchara turned around to see XFrisk.

"Brother there you are! I've been waiting for you!" Xchara said, seeing that Xfrisk was scared. "What did you do to everyone...?! They cared about you...!" Xfrisk yelled at Xchara, he looked annoyed. "Oh please. They were acting. HE said so." Xchara said, he knew who he was talking about....Xfrisk got a little mad... "he's manipulating you..! Snap out of it..!" Xfrisk yelled at Xchara, hoping he would snap out of it...but Xchara chuckled... "what do you mean frisk? I'm not being controlled" Xchara said, smiling. Xfrisk looked down, tears went down his face...then he heard a voice...

"Why so sad frisk? Your brother is doing what's right..." Xfrisk freezes as the voice said something. He turned around...seeing the man he hates for a long time... "n-no..! Go away!" Xfrisk yelled at Xgaster, about to punch xgaster. Xchara grabbed Xfrisk, holding him back. "Brother come on now, he cares for us. Unlike these creations." Xfrisk looked around, mettaton wasnt anywhere, that means he's ok... Xfrisk secretly calls for megaton for help, Xchara then got attacked by mettaton. "I'm sorry brother..but I need to save you.." Xfrisk looked at Xchara, tearing up a bit. "Useless, your creation is useless frisk." Xgaster said, Xfrisk smiled a bit, looking at Xgaster. "Says you." Xfrisk then attacks Xgaster, so did mettaton. Xchara then attacked Xfrisk, having the two brothers fight.

"Frisk. Stop this right now or your creation will be dismantled." Xfrisk looked to see Xgaster holding mettaton, he froze, leaving Xchara to capture him. Xgaster walked up to Xfrisk, making his soul appear. "W-what...-" xfrisk whispered, xgaster put his hand over it. "Remember this frisk?" Xfrisk knew what he was gonna do, he screamed for Xchara to help, but he refused. Xfrisk felt something sharp in his soul, he screamed in pain. Xgaster then dropped Xfrisk on the ground then looked at Xchara. "Finish him, he doesn't deserve to live." Xgaster walked away as Xchara attacked Xfrisk. Xchara then stabs Xfrisk right where his soul is, Xfrisk was silent, his mouth was dripping blood. He smiled...looking at Xchara who was now confused. "I love you brother..." Xchara's eyes widened, now regretting what he did, he was back in control! "Frisk?!"

Xfrisk jolted up, with Xchara next to him who was worried. "Hey you ok..?" Xchara asked, Xfrisk just hugged him, tearing up. Was that all a nightmare? Xchara hugged back, then asked XFrisk what happened. Xfrisk explained everything that happen in the nightmare which left Xchara in shocked. "Frisk...he's gone now...we're safe..." yeah right, me, chara, and cross have been at nightmares castle for 7 months. Excuse my language but nightmare is a bitch, but a little nice that he lets me and chara stay..

Maybe we are safe...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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