Clandestine - 1

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Ignore the mistakes please
English isn't my first language


Amidst the hustle and bustle of the cafeteria, a symphony of conversations filled the air as people moved about, their voices blending together in a cacophony of noise.

The room was alive with activity, with individuals engrossed in animated discussions while enjoying their midday meal.

In stark contrast to this lively atmosphere, a solitary figure sat undisturbed at a secluded table in a dimly lit corner.

Silently, he savored his lunch, seemingly unaffected by the disturbance surrounding him.

His attire, consisting of baggy jeans, a loose white t-shirt, and a black hooded sweatshirt, exuded an effortless coolness. A plain black cap adorned his head, perfectly complementing his glasses, which added an air of sophistication to his appearance.

He seemed completely unaffected by all the noise and talking around him, as he stayed focused on his own thoughts.

His face had a strange look that showed both calmness and curiosity.

It was as if the busy and chaotic cafeteria was just a background to the puzzle he represented.

From a distance, watching him made you think about what thoughts and dreams he might have in that moment of being alone, hidden behind his glasses.

As the silent man quietly enjoyed his meal, a sudden scream shattered the noise-filled ambience of the bustling cafeteria.

With a mix of confusion and concern, he turned toward the commotion and spotted a group of boys, roughly six or seven in number, gathered in the center.

Among them, one boy had forcefully grabbed a young woman's hair, causing her visible distress.

The woman, in her late twenties, was in tears, her cheeks and nose wet as a result. Her eyes were tightly shut, her hands clutching at the hair that was being held tightly.

The boys around her found the situation amusing, their laughter echoing through the room while they watched.

The woman wore a bright pink mini skirt, black shoes, and black socks, though her choice of attire seemed insignificant compared to her current suffering.

The stark contrast between her vulnerability and the heartlessness of those around her only magnified the seriousness of the situation.

The clear difference between how vulnerable she was and how heartless the people around her were made the seriousness of the situation even more evident.

A wave of confusion washed over the silent man as he noticed the lack of action from the cafeteria's patrons.

Despite the horror on their faces, not a single person dared to intervene and help the girl in her distress.

As he strained to catch snippets of the conversation between the bullies and the helpless girl, his ears struggled to decipher their cruel words. However, it became painfully clear when the tormentor forcefully shoved her to the ground, causing her tears to flow even more freely.

As he tried hard to listen to bits of the conversation between the bullies and the defenseless girl, he struggled to understand their mean words. But it became painfully obvious when the bully pushed her down forcefully, making her cry even more.

An intense anger surged within the man, unable to tolerate such injustice.

He felt really angry and determined. He stood up, made a decision, and walked confidently towards the group of bullies.

As the quiet man approached the bullies, he heard the cruel insults coming from the boy who had pushed the girl. The hurtful words hung in the air, leaving a bitter feeling behind.

"Isn't your mom just a wh-re, trading her body for your education? How did a lowly girl like you even find your way here? Don't you know that this place isn't meant for the poor? Who was your father, and how did he meet his demise?" The boy's deep, husky voice carried these disdainful words, igniting an uncontrollable rage within the silent man.

His fists clenched tightly, ready to take action against such cruel verbal assault.

"Your father, a pathetic coward, couldn't face reality and chose to escape this world," the cruel boy jeered, gripping the girl's black bag and callously turning it upside down.

Everything inside spilled onto the ground, littering the floor with the girl's belongings.

"Look at this pitiful girl, not even able to afford anything valuable. Just worthless garbage," he taunted, punctuating his words by kicking her books, diary, and other belongings scattered on the ground.

The girl's tears flowed uncontrollably, overwhelmed by the bully's hurtful words, as well as the shame she felt from the audience of silent onlookers.

As the bully threw the girl's bag harshly on the ground, he reached out to grab her hair once again.

She flinched and begged him to leave her alone, but he and his friends laughed, relishing in her distress.

Suddenly, the silent man couldn't stand by any longer.

He forcefully turned the bully around and delivered a powerful blow to his head, causing it to hit the glass table.

After the bully's head collided with the glass table, it broke, causing him to groan in pain and bleed from his nose and head.

After the incident, the bully took off the black mask he had on, exposing his face to everyone. The cafeteria fell silent as the people watching were surprised by what was happening.

With the bully's face now covered in blood, the silent guy couldn't see his expression.

The bully's friends, angered by their friend's condition, shouted at the silent guy and appeared ready to retaliate.

However, their aggression was cut short as the university principal and some professors arrived at the scene.

The principal and the professors swiftly took control of the situation.

They attended to the injured bully and escorted him to the university's medical center.

Concerned for the well-being of the girl, they also took her along with them.

In an authoritative tone, the principal instructed everyone present to return to their classes.

Following the principal's instructions, the students in the cafeteria went their separate ways, leaving behind the chaotic situation.


Time skipped

After receiving treatment, the bully's bruises were soothed with ointment.

His injured nose was covered with tape, and a bandage was wrapped around his head. His pale complexion and swollen face indicated the severity of his injuries.

The bully sat on the university parking lot, where cars and bikes were usually parked, accompanied by his concerned friends.

They gathered around him, expressing worry for his health and the wounds he had sustained.

The injured bully, engrossed in conversation with his concerned friends, suddenly caught sight of the silent guy who had hit him.

Immediately, anger surged through him, and he jumped up in a furious outburst. Yet, his friends swiftly intervened, holding him back and urging him to stay composed. They promised to handle the situation with the silent guy, ensuring his removal from the university.

At the same time, the silent guy kept a steady gaze on the injured bully. Without uttering a word, he walked towards his bike, got on it, and put on his helmet. With one last glance at the bully, he swiftly rode away, leaving the scene. The injured bully gritted his teeth, growing angrier as he saw the silent guy disappear into the distance.


Do you have any ideas about who was bully and who was silent guy and what will happen next?!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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