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||Y/n Pov||

*Ring Ring*

We both got apart and I answered my phone.


Y/n: Agent 18 reporting sir.

Govt. Officer: we have few Intel regarding the Mafia. Please join us as soon as possible. Agent 5 is waiting for you near XXX cafe. He has some information to give you. Reach there in 10 minutes.

Y/n: Yes sir.


Y/n: Sorry Taehyung we'll have to leave soon. I have to go somewhere right now. I'll be back soon. Tale care of yourself love.

With that I entered the bathroom and changed my outfit.

*Time Skip*

I woke up feeling soft pecks over my face.

Thv: Good morning princess. Hope u had a good sleep.

Y/n: Sleep? I only slept for 4 hours.

Thv: what time do u think it is?

Y/n:....6 o'clock?

Thv: It's 12 pm. We have to leave by 4:30. So wake up and get ready.

Y/n: arghh

Thv: what? Oh u want me to pick u-


Thv: aww my head.

Y/n: I know how to walk.

With that being said I stood up from the bed and entered the bathroom with required things for my morning routine.

We reached the airport and got into the plane. I felt a pair of eyes on me. So I looked around but found no one suspicious.

Thv: r u looking for something?

Y/n: no. I was just looking around.

Thv: okay. Tell me if u need anything.

Y/n: hmm

The flight landed in Seoul and we got off the plane. As we were collecting our bag I found a suspicious man who was trying to keep an eye on me.

Thv: Y/n wait here I will go find a cab. Looks like our driver is not well.

Y/n: oh okay. Be careful

Thv: yeah

Taehyung walked out of the airport to find a cab. I noticed that the man is still here. I felt his presence closer this time. He is walking towards me. I have no weapon in my hand. What to do??

I started walk out of the airport to find Taehyung leaving my luggage behind. I mean started following me. His pace is increasing so I start to run. He is chasing me. But as I am good at running, I ran faster.

Y/n: Taehyung!!! Where r u!?

He is nowhere to be found. As I start to run faster I bump into something or should I say someone?

Taehyung POV

I found a cab and immediately ran back into the airport to get Y/n. Where is she? The luggage is here but where did she go? Then I heard someone screaming.


Y/n. She is in trouble.

I ran out again and saw some black men pulling Y/n inside a black suv nd driving off. I went to the cab and sat inside.

Thv: Please follow that car.

Driver: yes sir.

They are getting way to ahead from us! Shit. I shouldn't have left her alone. Aghhhh Kim Taehyung!!!! But isn't she an agent? Why didn't she use her damn skills!!!! Ugh this is so frustrating.

Thv: sir can u please speed up the car.

Driver: sorry sir I have reached the limit.

Wow. Just wow. Why am I so unlucky? We are stuck in the traffic while that black suv went just right in time. I have to save her. I opened my wallet and pulled out money and gave to the driver.

Thv: thank you. Keep the change.

I got down from the cab and started to run while dialing Jimin's number.


Thv: Jimin get my motorbike near xxx place. Now!!

Jimin: on my way.


I should have called Jimin earlier itself. There is no time to regret Taehyung. Jimin please come fast. I am losing them.

Jimin found Taehyung after 10 minutes of searching. Immediately getting down from the bike he let Taehyung take it but stopped him.

Jm: I am coming with u.

Taehyung just nodded his head and started the bike riding it in a high speed.

Thv: SHIT. WE LOST THEM. I LOST HER JIMIN! I LOST HER!! HOW AM I GOING TO FIND GER NOW!? I am such a bad husband. I can't even protect her...

A tear left my eyes. I couldn't protect her.

Jm: calm down we can go home and try to track Y/n's location.

Thv: y-yeah. Ok-ay

*Time skip*

It's has been two days since Y/n was kidnapped. Jimin is still trying hard to find Y/n while on the other side. Taehyung is starving himself, dark circles under his eyes. The eyes which which held beautiful emotions and charms are empty and emotionless. He is not talking to anyone.

*Knock knock*

Jm: Taehyung-ah please have some food and don't starve. Y/n won't like it if she sees u like this. She is a strong woman. She will find a way out.

*Yoongi's Mansion*

Suga: Aww. Look who is sleeping like a sleeping beauty. How much dose did u inject her with?

Man1: t-two sir.

Suga: How much dose did I tell u inject?

Man2: o-one sir.

Suga: Then why didn't u fucking listen to me!? I want her awake by the evening or I'll kill u both.

Suga stood up from the chair and walked out of the room annoyed by his men.

Suga: They are useless. I should throw them off.

Man1 came running towards Suga.

Man1: s-sir. Sh-she is awake.

He said panting.

Suga: Let's go.


I haven't been as active as I have exams. Sorry for the late updates. 🙏🏻

Jungkook's first solo album is finally gonna be released!!

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