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Seonghwa woke up from his sleep gasping and sweating,

he wipes the sweat off of his head away as he sighs.

he hated it, whenever he wakes up sweating.

the male looked at the clock on his bedside table that read 3:40am, he sighed and got out off bed to go to the kitchen.

he walks down the stairs before looking at the dark empty living room right in front of the stair and kitchen as he suddenly remembered the last time Hongjoong was over to watch some movies with him.

he shook his head as he tries his best not to remember the moment and cry.

the last thing he want to do after waking up sweating was to cry.

Seonghwa went over to the kitchen, he always turns the kitchen lights on instead of the living room to make it easier for himself whenever nights like this happens,

he quickly took a warm glass of water before sighing from relief and comfort as the warmness spread through his body.

the latter went over to the living room and looked outside the window,

admiring the snow covered street and the snow itself.

it was pouring again tonight, this time luckily, it wasn't as heavy as the last one. it was pretty nice and calming.

his eyes looked lost as he keeps shifting his focus from the street lamp to the road, the building, his front yard and such,

he was anxious without knowing why he was and it was bothering him to the point that he doesn't feel tired anymore.

he wanted to sleep it off and he hoped that he could at least do it,

he walked to the couch and laid down before grabbing the blanket on the couch and unfolding it, covering himself with it.

Seonghwa closed his eyes, the dim lighting from the street giving the living room a little light along with the one from the kitchen.

it was peaceful,

he was falling asleep.
a loud bang on the window woke the male up from his slumber.

Seonghwa woke up quick from the noise, he quickly got on his feet to look out the window "what in the actual f-" his words got caught up in his throat as he looks outside.

he thought it was a wind or another squirrel banging on his window or a bird flying to his window on accident,

in which any of this case, it wasn't.

the male stood there, frozen and frightened at the sight that he was looking at.

it was a silhouette,

one that he wasn't familiar with but yet brings discomfort.

he wanted to move yet he can't, he was stuck and paralysed as he tries his best by gathering his strength to move,

the silhouette raises their head and looked at him.

the action quickly made him move back and close the blinds as he made his way to his bedroom to call his friends,

there was only 3 of them that he was sure of that were still awake at this hour and he hoped that they really are.

Seonghwa dials the latter that came to his mind first, Jongho.

it didn't took the younger long to pick up his phone and answer it after pausing his game,

"hyung? what's wr-"

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