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"Welcome to the family Mrs WOODBEAD" the second he said i know I am bound to this hell.

With that he moved away from me and stared at the crowd.

Then his parents came to us and said.

"I am so happy for you both I hope you both will be happy". Said his dad and hugged him and patted my head.

"Thanks dad". He said.

"Thankyou Mr. WOODBEAD". I said him in my cold voice.

"You can call me dad dear". He said.

"Do you think I will call you dad after what your son has did to me he literally blackmailed and forced me to marry him and you both couple hadn't said anything like woww and want me to call you dad". I said in my mind. As I can't say it out i do then bullets will be in my head.

"I will try Mr. WOODBEAD". I said gently.

With that his mother came to me and hugged me "I know how you feel dear but trust me you will realise that this is the best thing that happened to you". She said.

"I can't say anything about it Mrs WOODBEAD". I said her not sounding harshly.

She broke the hug and went towards her son and said him "don't try to hurt her I will beat the shit out of you if you do it". She said and hugged him.

His sister just came and hugged both of us and backed off.

Then all came and wished us one by one.

Time skip...........

I think I don't know what time is but we are sitting in dining table to eat.

Not many people are invited to the wedding just some people who are close to them I think so care they are barely 100 members in our wedding.

I thought they will show off the wedding ceremony as their standard but they kept it simple in luxurious way.

I felt a hand on my thigh which snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked at the hand and then at the hand owner. There he is looking in my soul while sitting beside me.

"Have your food kitten you need more energy tonight". He said with a smrick and tightened his grip on my thigh.

I tried to remove it but ne tightened his grip and said in my ear in his baritone voice "dare to remove it kitten see me kissing the hell out of you".

COLD HUSBAND ALESSANDRO Where stories live. Discover now