09 | The Giving Tree

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The cafe felt quaint today, she noted as she walked through the doors, feeling the air conditioner on her skin the second she walked in. A few tables were taken, some by couples, others by singletons responding to emails, or maybe even enrolled in summer courses for local universities, but overall, the tiny cafe felt quaint and untouched by the outside world. Always Lizzie's safe space, there was an added element of security in the walls today, and the coffee beans smelt a little bit stronger the closer she stepped toward the countertop.

Jay smiled brightly, wiping down the surface that appeared to have been covered in coffee just seconds prior. A young woman is standing to the side, looking bashful with rosy cheeks and a guilty smile. Lizzie can only guess that when Jay went to hand the drink over, their hands didn't quite align right and the cup tumbled over. Nevertheless, the older woman didn't seem phased, and handed a new coffee off to the young woman who left in a rush straight afterward. Though, Lizzie noted she had a laptop case slung over her side, but embarrassment must've done it's worst and sent her fleeing.

"Busy morning?" Lizzie asks, scanning the menu for an item that sounds appealing. It's still the same weekly special, a chocolate croissant, and although that tickles her interest, she's feeling adventurous. Jay nods, watching Lizzie closely. She looks happy, relaxed. "How's the strawberry balsamic salad?"

"One of our best sellers." Jay wiggles her eyebrows, and Lizzie nods, content with choosing that for her breakfast, albeit a bit odd to be having a salad so early in the morning.

"Perfect. A salad, an iced coffee, a strawberry lemonade, and a chocolate croissant, please Jay." Lizzie smiled, digging her card out of her bag and swiping it across the machine and it lit up blue. The quiet chatter of people in the cafe felt far away, and as she smiled at Jay, even that felt small. Everything was peaceful, not a single ripple in the body of water she'd previously felt like she was drowning in. This last week off had done her some good, and she was itching to get back in action behind the camera.

Jay moved about, flipping switches on the coffee machine, and filling two cups with ice, perfectly content with her little business and it's cycle of mundane tasks. This was the quaint life Lizzie wanted at some point down the line, but for now, she was content with the hustle and bustle of new projects.

Lizzie spotted Olive a few steps away, clearing off a table that had only just opened up. The bell dings above the door, signaling that somebody had either walked in, or just left. The sight of retreating heads told Lizzie it was the latter of her options, and most likely, they'd been the ones to leave the table a mess. Olive was busy at work with wiping down the spilled coffee and sugar crystals, hardly aware of the way that Lizzie was watching her every move with a fond grin on her lips. When she did look up, her smile grew, and a weightlessness disassembled the tension in her shoulders.

"Lizard!" She grinned, racing toward the older woman and engulfing her in a massive hug. Lizzie wrapped her arms around Olive just as tightly, one hand on the little girls back and the other holding the back of her head. She smelled sweet, like vanilla and some kind of summer berry, and Olive melted into it. "I missed you."

Lizzie giggled, fingers combing through the loose knots at the end of Olive's hair. The little girl peered up at her with wide eyes, excitement sparkling in them. "I've almost finished To Kill A Mockingbird!"

"So quickly?" Lizzie giggles, putting her hands on Olive's shoulders to really drink in the sight of her. The shorts she was wearing weren't any of the ones Lizzie had seen before, and they were a mess of bleach stains and holes in the seam, and the tank-top wasn't much better. It hurt her heart to know that such a sweet little girl had to live in such unfair conditions, but she only hoped this outfit would do it's best at helping Olive beat the heat. At Olive's excited nod, Lizzie giggles. "You're so quick! I can't wait to see what you've added!"

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