19 | Little Woman

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Scarlett's trailer was the same as Lizzie's in the way it was set up, a long countertop covering almost an entire wall, while a daybed was pushed all the way against the back wall in the corner. Directly across the doorway was the bathroom, and beneath the countertop across from the bed was a mini fridge stocked with all kinds of drinks. Scarlett had pulled a water out for herself and offered one to Florence, but the little girl just shook her head politely declining it, standing awkwardly in the center of the space trying not to take up too much room. The bed was made messily, and different pieces of clothing laid around it, looking like Scarlett had left in a rush last night. Just like Lizzie had said, Scarlett had a basket of snacks on her countertop, and the woman teasingly wiggled her eyebrows as she motioned for Florence to come closer.

"These are required for any movie day." Scarlett held up a bag of sour gummy worms, smiling widely. She left them on the side of the basket, rummaging through until she found something else she thought the little girl might like. "Do you like M&Ms?"

"You don't have to give me your snacks. It's okay." Florence shook her head, feeling like her heart was about to fall to her feet at all that Scarlett was offering her. She had no way to pay the woman back, and she didn't want that burden to fall onto Lizzie when she had already done so much.

"Hey, it's no big deal, Flo. If you're really worried about it, you can help me pick some more out at crafty later. That's where half of this is from." Scarlett smiles, getting the hint this is about more then just the candy itself. She doesn't want to push boundaries. Florence isn't her kid and they only met yesterday, but how could she not when the girl was so fragile she didn't even want to take space in a room? When she wouldn't even accept candy because she was afraid of how she wouldn't be able to pay her back? Lizzie had told her about the first breakfast at the cafe, and about the entire birthday present situation, but hearing about how anxious Florence had been verses seeing it for herself made her heart sink with grief. It didn't take a genius to see that Florence was denied food at home, and presumably told that if she took anything she'd have to pay for it, but this wasn't that apartment, and she and Lizzie weren't Alan. "Are you worried about paying me back?"

Florence looked up at Scarlett, startled that she had guessed right on her first attempt. She nodded hesitantly, picking at the skin around her nails so harshly they began to bubble with blood. "You don't have to pay me back, stinker. I'm offering you these because I want too. Will you let me? It's okay if you won't, but don't turn it down just because you think you have to repay me."

"They're yours though. You're going to want them." Florence eyed the bag of M&M's, desperately wanting to dig right into the assortment of multicolored chocolates with no restraint or hesitation. She hadn't had any in years, not since Gloria stopped visiting and the candy and snacks stopped being bought when Alan went to the grocery store. It had been so long, she wonders if they even taste the same anymore.

Scarlett thought for a second before rummaging around in a cabinet, pulling out a ziplock bag. "How about I split them? So we both can have some, does that work?"

Florence could manage with that compromise, she wouldn't feel so bitten by guilt, and she'd still get to taste melting choclate on her tongue, but Scarlett would have some too. She wouldn't be taking anything away. She nodded, watching Scarlett mix the gummy worms and the M&Ms silently, fighting with herself to stop the anxious shake of her hands that felt ongoing. She felt so petulant. So childish and stupid. These women had been nothing but patient and generous with her, and still she fumbled over words and saw them in a light that Alan had painted. It felt like the very core of her being had been destroyed.

"Are you going to be alright while I change? Lizzie shouldn't be much longer." Scarlett asks gently, seeing some kind of inner battle happening in the green of Florence's eyes. She wished she could help more, but there was only so much she could do without knowing the extent of it all. Without making false promises.

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