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"aaand~ we're here!"

scara looked up from his phone, to his girlfriends face. earlier that day, she had promised to introduce him to someone.

apparently, they went to the same college as them and was dating her bestfriend, so she thought he and scara would get along.

"great, let's go babe," he said, stepping out of the car and slamming the door shut.

"jeez! watch it, that car was expensive," mona said, flinching at the noise.

scara smirked and continued up the path, pebbles crunching under his feet, mona following close behind.

she knocked on the door, stepping back and waiting for her friend to open it.

suddenly, the door flung open to reveal a cute blonde girl with a large smile. she threw her arms around mona, excitedly.

"oh my god, i haven't seen you in forever! you look so good, how have you been?" she said, pulling away and holding her hands.

scara rolled his eyes and stepped into the house, out of the sheer cold of the winter months. how did girls talk for so long, without getting bored?

he walked through the house after taking off his shoes, looking for the living room to sit down in and continue his mobile game.

he walked into the kitchen and accidentally bumped into a dude walking out of the pantry, holding a container of goldfish.

"oh--shit, my bad," he said, apologetically.

"it's alright, are you that dude lumine said would be coming over?"

scara tilted his head, confused. "lumine..? ah! you mean the blonde girl at the door, right? yeah, she's my girlfriends best friend or something."

the boy introduced himself as kazuha and invited him over to the couch. "want some goldfish?"

scara looked at him for a second, but took the goldfish and popped it in his mouth.

scara inspected the boys features, he had silver hair and a streak of red on the right side. er-- right for him, anyways. he had red eyes that matched the shade of his hair and long fluttering lashes, aaaand that was when scara looked away before it would get weird.

then, the two girls came into the room, seemingly gotten tired of the weather outside.

"oh, i see you've met kazuha! i'm glad to see you're getting along~" the blonde girl, lumine, grinned.

they nodded and continued looking at the tv, where a local sports channel was on.

mona scoffed. "oh yes, pay more attention to the tv than your own girlfriends. that really makes me feel great."

scara rolled his eyes. "calm down, old hag."

mona furrowed her brows and stalked up the stairs to lumine's room, where they'd most likely be talking shit about everything scara had done wrong recently.

"so, what's your major?" kazuha asked after a silent pause.

"ah, computer science, you?"

"i'm gonna be an english teacher," kazuha said, not really answering the question.

"oh. cool. i don't really know what i'm gonna be yet," scara admitted.

the boys talked for a while, about school and dumb shit their girlfriends did, bonding over shared expirences.

later into the night, the girls came down, smiling and happy and sat down on the couch with them.

"do you guys want dinner?" lumine asked, pulling out her phone. "i can order anything!"

they all decided to get dairy queen, since it was the cheapest to deliver and the closest nearby.

"where do you two live?" kazuha asked, at the dinner table.

"me and scara live on the campus dorms, not together sadly," mona answered.

"oh, i do too, i just spend most my time at lumines."

"that's cool, maybe we could hangout sometime," scara said picking up a fry.

kazuha nodded and smiled. "here's my number." he slid his phone over the table with his number open for scara to add.

as he saved his name in kazuha's phone, lumine and mona grinned, glad how their boyfriends were getting along.

after dinner was finished, mona sat up and stretched. "ahh, well, we should probably get going! let's hang out another time, maybe we could go to the mall."

scara stood up with her and silently waved bye, smiling at kazuha as he left.

mona sat down in the car, smile wide. "soo, what did you think? do you like him?"

scara shrugged. "i guess."

"do you think you'd ever hang out alone, without us?"

"i don't know, maybe." he said, a little nervously and flustered.

mona giggled and started up the car, driving them back to their college campus. she parked her car in the student parking zone and waved goodbye to scara, again, promising to text him once she got to her dorm.

they walked separately to their rooms quickly, as it had started to snow.

shivering, scara stepped into his room and shut the door, dusting off some snow that had gathered on his shoulders. his roomate, childe, snorted at him from the couch.

"out hanging out with your girlfriend? what a loser~" he teased.

scara rolled his eyes. "at least i pull."

childe huffed and turned back to his phone, ending the conversation.

scara held in a laugh and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, then he headed to sleep.


874 words , thanks for reading this guys, and if u came from my first fic u get a medal 🎖️ . like i said, this one will be a bit shorter, it'll have shorter chapters and shorter reading time but i'll still put in the same effort as before!

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