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scara woke up the next day-- or later that day, maybe, and groaned as soon as he sat up.

why was he on hard concrete?

and why was he totally soaking wet-- oh.

it seemed like half the party was passed out in ayaka's backyard, either on the edge of the pool, in the grass, or on lawn chairs. (luckily, no one in the pool.)

scara sat up, rubbed his shoulder and wiped his cheek, the little pebbles clinging to his skin falling to the floor.

he scoured the area for any sight of someone he knew, (preferably kazuha) and his eyes landed on some inazuman girl in his class --kuki shinobu-- who seemed to be awake, and well, clear headed.

"u-um, hi.." he said, nervously.

she looked over, eyes drooping and mouth upturned into a scowl.


"oh." he recoiled back at her harsh tone. "uh, i was just wondering, what happened?"

she sat up straight and cracked her back. "i think itto got a hold of more alcohol and everyone chugged it. i barely remember."

scara nodded. "that makes sense. i don't remember anything at all."

"oh, yeah, by the way, that dude you were all over last night is down on the grass."

scara's jaw dropped to the floor.

"excuse me?"

"good look explaining that one to your girlfrien-- oh shit, i gotta go. itto's on the roof!"

scara felt his entire body get filled with a sense of dread. mona..knew?

he scrambled to his feet, ignoring his headache and ran down the steps of the backyard, almost falling to his knees and whipping his head around to find kazuha.

he was sitting against the concrete wall, on the lower level under the pool with his head tilted back.

"kazuha." scara said, walking up to the boy. "what happened last night?"

kazuha met his eye, clearly very tired, and shrugged. "man, how i'd like to know that too."

"mona knows. and that means lumine does too."

kazuha looked at his lap.


"you don't care?!" scara whisper-hissed, dropping down to his level.

"lumine was cheating the whole night. i bet mona was too."

scara shook his head sadly, sinking into a sitting position next to kazuha. "i didn't want this to happen."

"text her. see what she says," kazuha suggested, nudging him with his shoulder.

hesitantly, scara opened his messages.

'mona, what happened last night?'

it took her a few minutes to respond, but when she did, it was short and simple.

'don't fucking talk to me.'

scara dragged his hand over his face and groaned. "shit, dude.."

'what? why? what did i do, babe?'

kazuha chuckled. "playing dumb?"

'don't babe me. we're over'

'mona, no please i'm sorry.'
'i don't even know what i did.'

'you really expect me to believe that
you just "don't remember" me seeing you
sucking some guys dick?'
'fucking KAZUHA of all people.
the one guy i introduced you to'

scara shut off his phone and stood up, glaring down at kazuha.

he opened and closed his mouth a few times, before giving up and flipping kazuha off.

"at least it wasn't in the pool," he muttered under his breath as scara stalked away.


he got back to his dorm, which was suprisingly cleaner than he remembered.

childe wasn't home yet, and probably wouldn't be for a few more hours, which gave him time to go to his room and sulk for a bit, throw out all the pictures he and mona took together, and delete kazuha's number.

not to be a moody, dramatic teen or anything, he just felt guilty looking at her face right now.

he laid in his bed into the night, hearing childe click open the door and slam it behind him, probably drunk again.

he walked through the house and immediately into the bathroom where the shower turned on, and scara deemed it safe enough to venture into the apartment to get something to eat.

he opened the fridge, trying to his the left side of his bangs to lay flat and heard his phone ding. he ignored it, since it was probably someone he didn't want to talk to.

probably kazuha.

he grabbed a coke and slammed the door shut. he actually wasn't even hungry. he'd just eat in the morning.


or that's what he said, but in reality when we woke up he just left. he didn't take his phone and didn't grab breakfast because he was already late to class and had to time to mess around.

"are you okay?" heizou whispered, laying his head on his arms.

scara turned away from the boy and nodded. "yeah."

heizou frowned. "did uh, did something happen at the party the other night?"

scara widened his eyes. "a-ah, huh? why do you ask..?" he said, which kinda led heizou to believe he was right.

"nothing, it's just you look really tired. i thought you were still hungover or something, but if you weren't..."

they didn't say anything else for a while, since the lesson started, but at the end of class heizou looked over again. "if it makes you feel better, i saw your girlfriend flashing her tits for five bucks."


870 words

LMAOOO anyway mona's a girlboss for that. get that cash girl 🔥🔥 scara's face after hearing that was def 😨😨😨

me after making everyone in this fic a wh0re 🔥😍

let's hope the whole school doesn't find out abt him and kaz 😼😼 (they will)

also i do not like this fic and don't know what i'm doing with it anymore so sorry

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