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scara waited outside mona's dorm for her to get dressed and finish her makeup, grumbling.

finally, she left the room and quickly hurried down the steps past scara.

"c'mon! i heard that lumine and kazuha are already there!"

scara felt his heart drop, his breath lost for a second. "d-do i have to come..?" he stuttered nervously, dreading seeing kazuha again.

"what?" mona asked, distractedly. "yes, of course you have to come. kazuha is your friend. don't be weird."

scara turned his head down and bit his lip. he would have to ignore kazuha and pray they didn't bump into eachother.


"this way! turn right," mona said, leaning forward out of her seat, her vape leaving her lips.

scara furrowed just brows and turned right, like she said. that one stunk. he hated when she vaped in his car.

"how about i drop you off, then come pick you up once the parties over?" he offered as a last attempt to save himself, yet to his displeasure mona just rolled her eyes and pushed him gently.

he dragged his feet through the thin snow on the ground, seriously debating just turning around and running before he entered the mansion.

they could already hear the music blaring through the walls, along with some couples making out in the front garden.

scara shuddered. it was too cold to do that outside, at least hang out in a closet..

mona knocked a few times on the door, but no one heard her over the music and she ended up just walking in anyway. immediately, a few girls and two guys greeted her and swept her away from scara, leaving him alone in the entrance of the foyer.

he could've just left now, if mona didn't take his keys when she got out of the car. so he was stuck here. potentially with kazuha.

he slipped through the crowd into the kitchen, where ayaka stood, surrounded by a few people. she was holding a red solo cup in which he assumed she got her punch from the punch bowl on the kitchen counter. he walked over and got himself a glass, leaning against the wall to watch the group.

a blue haired boy, (who was her brother, ayato) stood next to her protectively while a few boys on the outskirts of the circle eyed her.

she took a sip of her punch, giggling, red faced. scara mimicked her, quickly realizing the punch was spiked.

with a disgusted look on his face, he set the cup down and walked out.

there was a game of spin the bottle going on in the living room, and in the dining room they were apparently playing beer pong. scara avoided both rooms, as he was worried kazuha would be there.

he went to the second floor, hoping to find a vacant bedroom to hang out in, but quickly discovered most bedrooms here were occupied. (he found that one out the hard way)

his temper quickly rose, not only did he not want to be here, but everything was seemingly going wrong.

he walked in on two blue haired boys who looked slightly younger than him going at it, (he cursed at them to lock the door next time) and was instantly reminded of the night at kazuha's dorm.

as he sat in a secluded armchair at the end of a hallway, tucked to the left where the music seemed to be the quietest, he turned around at the sound of footsteps.

a silver haired boy, seemingly looking like kazuha, walked up to him and slid down the wall, crouching down.

"hey," he greeted, a smile on his face.

skepticially, scara nodded in greeting.

"i'm lyney," the boy greeted.

scara kept quiet, but lyney kept smiling despite his unresponsiveness.

"why're you up here alone? the party's downstairs, you know."

scara decided to break his vow of silence to tell him to buzz off. "i know. i'm trying to be left alone, can't you tell?"

lyney sighed. "so rude. and i simply wanted to make a friend. how about this," he said, standing up.

scara raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"if i can impress you with a magic trick, you come downstairs and party with us."

"hah, like i'd get impressed by a magic trick. those are all fake anyway."

lyney smirked and held out his hands. they were empty.

"close your eyes!"

scara shook his head, disappointed, but he closed his eyes anyway. "what kind of magic trick requires me to close my eyes?"

"okay, open them." scara opened his eyes. lyney held a flower in his hand.

"impressed yet?"


"ah, i guess i'll have to do a more impressive trick, won't i?"

scara felt like giving up and ordering him to go away, but he gave him a chance. the boy pulled a top hat seemingly out of nowhere and tipped it upside down to prove it was empty.

he waved his hand around before reaching in, grabbing something and struggling for a second, before pulling a bunny up by its ears.

scara raised his eyebrows, slightly shocked.

"don't worry, i won't set a bunny lose in the house," lyney assured him. "but~ how about this?" he chuckled and pushed the bunny back down, quickly whipping out a dove, it fluttering down the hallway as soon as it was released.

scara gasped, actually amused.

lyney giggled. "so, don't you come down with me?"

904 words , lyneys okay, but i really prefer his little brother 🫶🫶

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