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last nsfw chapter

for now


scara arched his back once again as kazuha released inside him, his mind temporally pulled away from his troubles and instead filled with how good kazuha felt.

then he pulled out and flopped down next to him, and scara felt like throwing up.


"hm?" he murmered, turning his head slightly to look at the other boy.

"kazuha-- we both have girlfriends."

realization seemed to dawn on him, his expression dropping. "ohhh.. shit dude.."

scara sat up and felt even more tears pricking his eyes. he didn't want to be a cheater, he thought loved mona.

"why.. why did you make me do that?" he held in a sob.

kazuha reached over and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him into his chest. "no, no i'm sorry, i didn't--i wasn't thinking--"

scara shook his head. it wasn't right to blame kazuha.

he sighed. "i'm sorry.., it wasn't you, i consented." he said, sniffling.

still, kazuha frowned and rubbed his shoulder gently, still trying to calm him down.

"what am i supposed to tell mona?" he muttered, after a few minutes of his sniffles coming to a stop.

kazuha thought for a moment, "well.. i guess we don't have to tell them."

"huh..?" scara looked up, blinking away tears. "don't..tell her?"

kazuha shrugged. "i dunno.. just a thought. we could.. just hang out sometimes. and you could get laid, i can de-stress, and our girlfriends would never even know," he suggested. "just a thought."

scara shook his head, exasperated. "and why would we do that, dude?! this could just be a one time thing, but you want it to continue?"

kazuha shook his head. "you're right, fuck. sorry. let's just.. go to sleep and forget about this."

scara nodded and laid down on the couch, his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling. kazuha got up shortly later to go to the bathroom and his own bedroom.

the only problem was, scara could just forget about that.

he just slept with someone he barely even knew, and it was a dude! what the fuck was wrong with him?

he'd never ever imagine cheating on mona, so what the hell just came over him? mona had always treated him well.., except for the times she would scream over the state of his barely messy apartment..or when she'd throw his belongings on the floor after the slightest inconvenience.. or when..

scara rolled over. he didn't wanna think about that, it was all in the past and they had a pretty solid relationship, at least he thought they did.

eventually, he fell asleep.

he spent the night tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. eventually, he gave up on trying to sleep and got off the couch.

he grabbed his stuff and left the dorm, planning on spending the next few hours outside, in the freezing cold to avoid the boy.

his breath turned into steam around him, and he dipped his chin into his scarf, pulling out his phone to scroll.

that didn't go on for to long though, as his fingers got numb. he pulled his knees up to his chest on the bench he was sat on, deciding to head to a cafe or a small store before he died of frostbite.

he avoided mona's dorm and the classes she was in, feeling too guilty to look at her face. if he saw her now, he might just break down crying, and that would be extremely embarrasing.

he waited in a coffee shop for the next few hours until his class started, and his day went on as usual.

his dorm had been fixed last night, meaning there wasn't really even a reason for him to sleep over at kazuha's place. meaning, the whole situation has been completely avoidable.

the next few weeks went on as usual, he rarely interacted with mona, yet they still kept in touch, and he had only seen kazuha in the halls since. they didn't acknowledge eachother.

he went through with the rest of his classes, he even made a new friend in his class. heizou sat two rows behind him, yet he had somehow never noticed the maroon haired boy, which he felt somewhat bad for.

he thought he had turned over that page of his life and the whole situation would be a thing of the past, long forgotten by both parties.

that was until mona had sent him a paragraph with details for a party.


january 26th, 10pm - 3am
ayakas house (xxxx street, door xxx)
be there! 😘

do i have to go?



i'll pick you up at 9:30.


he was really dreading the party, but mona would force him to come anyway.

he didn't like parties, everyone smelt of booze and it was easy to get lost in the crowds, plus he barely knew anyone.

he sighed and decided to just stay in a corner or by mona, and then leave early. not his fault if mona ended up drinking and not being able to drive herself home.

850 words , yalllll i don't actually know what to say for this an i hope it's to ur taste so far. if anything's wrong lmk 🫶 also this is a filler

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