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scara ended up heading downstairs with lyney and meeting up with his group, freminet and lynette.

scara was pretty sure they were all related.

the youngest looking, freminet, eyed him nervously when they walked up, but gradually warmed up the more they spoke.

" you want a drink?" he said, offering his cup to scara. the boy was obviously very wasted, so scara took it off his hands, not planning on drinking any.

shortly after, a girl with dark brown hair walked up and wrapped her arm around him, leading him upstairs while he clung into her shirt.

lyney bumped shoulders with him, laughing, his voice barely heard over the music.

"why are you so stiff? lighten up, dude!" he yelled, trying to be heard.

scara chuckled nervously and realized he probably should do something other than stand there, he didn't want to ruin the mood.

so, bumping against the crowd, he nodded his head to the music, slowly getting more into it as the night went on.

eventually, he took a sip out of the cup, forgetting his promise to drive mona home and stay sober.

lynette, lyneys twin sister (as scara assumed) walked up to him, a little to close for comfort, and started dancing with him.

scara didn't want to have any negative thoughts about the twins, they seemed nice, but lynette was getting a little too close.

he put his hands on her back to gently push her away, but she turned around and grabbed his arms, wrapping them around her waist and pressing herself against his chest.

suddenly, the alchohol kicked in and scara felt his head grow cloudy, his vision blurring together and all he could see was lynette grinding up on him while lyney stood much to close to his leg, his hand tracing up the boys back.

he felt gross, he wanted--no, needed, to get away from the twins, suddenly feeling guilty. maybe he was imagining how close they were and maybe he was being an asshole for trying to leave, so he stopped moving.

after a few more seconds of lyneys hands traveling over his back, they met his waist and the boy tried to pull him closer.

suddenly, a larger force appeared behind scara and yanked him back, away from the needy hands of the twins.

he mumbled into space, not even really hearing himself, just the roaring of the crowd and.. someone yelling at the twins? eventually, they backed away and the person who pulled scara away tugged him up the stairs.

he stumbled a bit, and the person pulled him closer to their body to help his navigate the hallways.

the opened a vacant bedroom and pulled him in, shutting the door behind them.

"god, can't you--- ----- --? why---... sta-- ere." scara faded in and out of consciousness, which suprised himself.

normally, he had a pretty good tolerance for alchohol. why was he so drunk tonight..?

he felt the person lay him on the bed and sit down somewhere, before he immediately fell asleep.


scara's head pounded, and as he sat up his vision blurred to the point he almost fell into the pillow again. the quickly realized the pounding in his head was actually just the music that had been turned up, shaking the walls with the people screaming downstairs.

probably a really popular song..

"you're awake." a voice sounded from the opposite side of the bed.

scara whipped his head around, being met with kazuha's face. he was sat at the end of the room, sitting backwards in a desk chair to face scara.


"dont you know?" he teased. "don't bother with lyney and lynette, they're total whores." he raised his hands up when scara looked mad. "hey! don't shoot the messanger, i'm not talking shit. it's true. they're proud of it, too."

"what..happened.." he asked, feeling a bit sick. he looked out the window, it was still dark.

"you've only been out for two hours. how much did you drink? you were fucking wasted."

scara looked down. "i only had the cup freminet gave me.."

kazuha shook his head. "that kid? the twins younger brother? dude, he was almost blackout. why would you take that drink, obviously it had been spiked."

scara pulled his knees up to his chest, feeling ashamed. "i'm sorry.. i didn't want to cause trouble. or make you miss the party.." he said, the feeling that kazuha had stayed in the room with him lingering over his mind.

"it's fine. id rather be up here with you than see lumine play spin the bottle for any longer."

"!! why would you let her do that?" scara asked, shocked.

"why should i care? i technically cheated on her, i might as well let her have some fun.." he muttered.

scaras guilt came crashing back down on him again. not only did he fuck up his and mona's relationship, he definitely messed with kazuha's too.

"i'm..sorry.." he whispered, clutching the blanket.

kazuha shook his head again, "don't be. it's not your fault."

scara looked up and met the boys eyes, immediately blushing.

kazuha had that same look on his face as the night they fucked, his head tilted down and eyes heavy-lidded, staring at him through his lashes.

"well..if we're both here.." scara murmered, daringly.

890 words , guys don't mind me adding myself as a self insert to go fuck fremmy 😭😭 hes just really cute 🫶🫶 as i'm writing this, there's 5 days till he's released! wonder when this will get published 😭😭

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