chapter 16: The final exam

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Akui woke up early that morning to return to school for the final exams. In the process of waking up, he unintentionally roused Rumi from sleep.

"Good morning," a groggy and still-tired Rumi mumbled.

"Good morning."

"Why are you up so early?" Rumi inquired.

"I need to go back to school today for the final exams, so I woke up a bit earlier than usual," Akui responded.

"Do you have to leave? Why can't you just live here?"

"Well, once I'm done with the final exams, I could move in if you'd like me to."

"I would love that" Rumi said with a small but loving smile.

"Well, I'll quickly get ready for school" Akui said also smiling a bit.

Rumi simply hummed as she watched him change into his school clothes. Her gaze was intent as she observed his back, noticing the scars that marked years of conflicts and the training that had sculpted him into a strong individual. She also found herself studying his muscles, impressed by their size and well-defined tone.

After Akui finished changing, he walked over to the bed where Rumi was still lying and took a seat at the edge.

"I'll quickly grab breakfast and head off to school," he remarked.

"That's alright, but make sure that after school, you bring your things from your house and move in here," Rumi reminded him.

"Don't worry, I've got it," Akui replied with a gentle smile.

As he attempted to stand up, Rumi's hand on his arm stopped him. He turned back, only to be gently tugged downwards by her. She kissed his forehead softly before resting her own against his.

"Take care and stay safe, okay?" she whispered.

"I promise I will," Akui assured her.

He kissed her and walked downstairs to eat his breakfast and left for school.

When he arrived, he sat down, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Rumi, when a small grape-haired boy came to him.

"So how was it did you see Mirko naked" Mineta asked while drooling and having a very weird smile on his face.

"The fuck is wrong with you" Akui said angrily.

"Come on tell us" Denki said looking equally as weird.

Akui had enough and picked both of them up by the back of their shirts, seeing as he was taller and stronger than both of them he easily lifted them off of the ground and threw them out of the window which conveniently was open. He sat back down again thinking of Rumi with a small smile on his face.

"You seem happy" Izuku said from next to him.

"That's because I am"


"Because I am"

"That, didn't explain anything"

"Yeah it was a sign to fuck off" Akui said looking pissed.

Izuku immediately looked away out of fear.

'Damn cry baby' Akui thought annoyed by Izuku.

Aizawa enters the classroom and distributes test sheets to everyone for the written part of the exam. After about an hour, everyone finishes the test and is instructed to gather outside the school, dressed in their hero suits, to meet with the other teachers.

After a few minutes, everyone stood outside, engaged in conversation about how Izuku had managed to gather information about the upcoming exam. They were confident that they would have to face the robots once again. However, during their discussion, Principal Nezu suddenly emerged from Aizawa's scarf.

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