Chapter 20 : Overhaul

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Two villains with gigantification quirks could be seen fighting on a bridge while a helicopter encircled them.

"Don't worry, guys. I've got this," a voice said through his comms.

"Okay," the voice of the pro hero Aizawa said.

"If you say so," the pro hero Mirko replied.

Suddenly, the person behind the voice jumped from a building onto the bridge.

"A hero has just arrived on the battlefield," the reporter in the news helicopter said. "Quickly shine the lights on him."

The light fell on the person on the bridge, revealing Akui. He jumped forward, kicking the first villain away, and punched the leg of the other one, flipping him over. Akui kneed the falling villain in the face, breaking his nose and knocking him out. The second villain ran at him, and he reacted by doing a backflip over him and landing behind him, kicking the inside of the villain's knees, making him fall down onto his knees. Akui jumped up and kicked the villain in the head, sending him crashing down, also knocking him out.

"Nicely done, kid," Aizawa said as he jumped down beside him.


"Anyway, we have a meeting at the Nighteye Agency," All Might said through the comms.

"Why do we have to meet with that old man? He is so annoying," Mirko said in annoyance.

"It won't be just us; there will be a lot of heroes and even students," All Might replied.

Mirko groaned while walking off, jumping to a different building in the direction of the Nighteye Agency.

"We should probably follow her," Akui said while speeding away, catching up to her in no time, while Aizawa just waited there for All Might with his car.

At the agency, they discussed quirk-removing bullets and how Fat Gum found some created by a mafia that used the blood of a kid with a time-reversal quirk or something. Nighteye's plan was to use the heroes he had collected from all over Japan to investigate known Hassaikai properties. It was crucial that they find the location of the girl and obtain solid evidence before striking, or else the mafia would become wise to the investigation. Aizawa asked Sir Nighteye to use his foresight to gain information; however, Nighteye refused because he might view someone's imminent death.

After a few days, they all stood outside a building early in the morning. Soon after, Ryukyu attacked the building, starting the battle.

Battle erupted throughout the whole building while Akui searched for the mafia boss known as Overhaul. Eventually, he found him, seeing him standing there injured while Aizawa was using his quirk on him. Akui disappeared, leaving behind a cold gust of wind as he appeared beside Overhaul, hitting him in the gut, sending him flying, while he puked up some blood. Akui ran up to him and hit him in his face, then reappeared on his other side, hitting him in the side and repeating this over and over until he eventually kicked Overhaul away, leaving him on the verge of being knocked out while he was coughing up blood onto his own face.

But what Akui didn't notice was that Aizawa blinked, removing the effects of his quirk on Overhaul, who took this chance to touch the ground, creating huge spikes out of the ground to shield him. He crawled over to one of his subordinates and killed him, using his life to heal his wounds and gain a new form.

"I admit you are stronger than me, but now that I have achieved this form, I will be unstoppable, so give me back Eri," Overhaul demanded.

Akui just punched through the spikes and jumped up, doing a flip and started falling towards Overhaul.

"Death slice," Akui said as he cut down onto Overhaul's shoulder, breaking it in the process. He followed up the kick by spinning his body and performing another roundhouse kick to Overhaul's head, knocking him backward. He ran up to Overhaul and jumped forward while spinning, going like a drill towards Overhaul, hitting him in the chest and knocking him backward. Overhaul reacted by touching the ground, making five spikes target Akui from all sides, seemingly piercing him.

"NO, AKUI!" both Izuku and Aizawa screamed as they saw this.

The Akui who was pierced suddenly disappeared and was revealed to only be an afterimage shown because the light wasn't able to keep up with his speed. He stood in front of Overhaul, uppercutting him so hard that it broke the sound barrier, shattering the terrain around him, making it look like the area suddenly turned into dust as Overhaul shot upwards, going outside to the street. Obsessed with seeing his plan through to the end, Overhaul healed his injuries and merged his own body with Rikiya Katsukame's, creating some sort of monster that towered over several buildings.

Akui looked at it and smirked, seeing its hand go towards his head. He jumped out from under the hand and ran up towards its face but was cut off when a spike was sent hurtling towards his head. He dodged the spike but also jumped down from the hand. He laughed and ran towards Overhaul's feet, kicking him in the leg, breaking it completely, but it healed in just a few seconds. Having had enough of this, Overhaul sent spikes from all around down towards Akui, hitting him. Overhaul thought he had won when suddenly the spikes shattered and revealed Akui with just a few cuts on his body as he jumped forward, kicking Overhaul up into the sky with only one kick. Overhaul looked up to see Akui there, his leg in the position to kick, but to him, it looked like a scythe. Overhaul's eyes were bloodshot as he saw the word "Death" behind Akui.

"Death scythe," Akui said while bringing down the kick, kicking straight through Overhaul, breaking him off from the monster thing and making his mask go flying while Akui was still bringing the kick down, sending him into the ground, making the floor bend in a way that it looked like rubber for how deep it went. Akui was seen still in the air after having kicked Overhaul into the ground, having knocked him out and severely wounded him.

All the heroes came up to see Overhaul defeated and also saw Akui sitting there looking at the sky, seeing how the clouds had split from his kick.

A police transport could be seen taking villains to the hospital when they got intercepted by the League of Villains who freed the injured villain, recruiting him for the cause.

"After we finish recruiting all the villains, we will have our revenge on All Might and the pink-haired boy," Shigaraki said in an angry voice.

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