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This world was magical, not unlike our own. Where creatures deemed "mythical" or "made up" live very average lives. Everything from angels to jang shi tries to live together in one city. Streets are fined with fairies, elves, kitsunes, the occasional zombie, and cyclopses. The main city that most creatures live in is known as 'Polis'. A large, sprawling city that seemingly has room for anything and everyone that wants to live there. Polis was founded far before all the crazy stuff started happening.

The odd clan of 'Black dogs' lives out in the countryside, isolated from the rest of society. They consist of seemingly part dog, part human people. The locals who live in the area say that they are quite strange beings.

Another oddity of this place, being the witch society. Thousands of witches have moved to this place. But out of all the cities, it has the safest streets.

To the north of Polis lays another closed off society, Klico: a large group of humans. When mythical creatures started appearing centuries ago, some humans didn't take it very well and retreated to the woodland up north. And there they have stayed while the rest of our society progresses. None of us know exactly what goes on up there because they only allow humans to enter. Although we've tried to make peace numerous times, they never gave in.

Similar to Klico, off somewhere south of Polis lives a society of human scientists. It is not clear exactly where this is, as nobody has found it successfully-and returned. But it's rumored that they are doing extremely immoral experiments to any creature they can get their hands on. So nobody really goes out there. Even to this day, the missing people posters line the outside of this society.

Various other groups migrate throughout the landscape.

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